Betty x Sweet Pea

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This is going to be me putting in actual effort, enjoy haha. Also don't ever expect this to happen again lol.

Sweet Pea POV:

I watched as she walked into the room with an angry expression on her face. She slumped into a chair as she dropped her bag onto the table with a heavy thump. I haven't seen her this mad since earlier in the week, when Mr. Honey had given her a one week detention.

"What's up?" I asked seemingly my only friend in this hell hole of a place.

Betty Cooper, the only person's name who I know here. Besides Mr. Honey, the principal, who thinks he has control over me because of the situation that I'm in. I've gotten in quite a lot of trouble with the law. I am the king of a gang after all.

My P.O. is a really nice lady who has fought hard to keep me out of juvie. But, since I turned eighteen last month, if I fuck up one more time, I'm going straight to jail for a very, very long time. I do a lot of bad shit but the last thing I want is to go to jail. So I'm trying my best to stay out of trouble at Riverdale High, where I've been forced to go, but it's incredibly hard. They practically all treat me like shit because they know of my situation, they think I'm less than them and they know that I can't retaliate.

"He's given me another week of detention because I won't do the stupid quiz show. Literally all he has to do is give me back the Blue & Gold" she said as turned her head to face me.

I started here a week ago and have had detention since, so has Betty. Her and I have a few classes together too, so I've been spending a lot of time with her. She's honestly really nice, I didn't think north siders had the capability not to be dicks. I also kind of like her. I really wasn't expecting myself to develop a crush here.

"B", her best friend Veronica called out as she walked into the room.

Each of us turned our attention to her as she approached Betty with a fast pace, her heels making a tapping sound with each step.

"Veronica get out unless you want a detention too" Mr. Honey said as he walked in moments after Veronica. He had an annoyed look on his face as he stared at the girls.

"What, can't I give my girlfriend a goodbye kiss?," she said as she pushed her lips onto Betty's.

Betty kissed back as I watched Veronica dig into her pocket and pull out Betty's phone. She placed it into Betty's pocket and they both pulled away.

"See ya later babe" she said as she turned around and winked at Mr. Honey.

Betty sat back down with a smirk on her beautiful face. I really do admire the power and control that she has. She doesn't just submit to everything that this dickhead has to say.

The reason Betty and Veronica kissed is because at the beginning of the day, anyone who has detention after school must hand in their phone. Veronica always sneaks Betty's phone out of his office. And since Mr. Honey is clearly an old and horny man, they know he won't take his eyes off of their lips.

I on the other hand have taken a different approach. After the first day here and I realised the way that they did things, I immediately bought myself a burner phone. So, every morning when he asks for my phone, I give him that. He doesn't have the right to touch anything that is mine.

"I don't want to hear a single sound out of you both. If I do, I guess I'll be seeing you in detention for the next month", he said with the ugliest and rudest smirk.

He left the room as he slammed the door behind him. Betty and I sat in silence for a moment as we waited for the sound of his heels to slowly fade away. As soon as they did, we looked to each other and let out loud laughs. God, this man really is insane. He's a principal, not the president.

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