Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

Betty: aren't you excited to meet Emily? I smiled at Sweet Pea.
Sweet: I'm just excited for dinner. He smiled making me laugh.

Sweet Pea and I are having dinner with his family tonight. His dad Fp and other son, Jack, will be there. Jack is also bringing his girlfriend, Emily.

Jack has autism so it's a pretty big deal that he has a girlfriend.

Betty: you're so annoying. I chuckled as we neared his dads house.
Sweet Pea: yet you're completely and utterly in love with me. He said cockily.
Betty: I'm only 22 Pea, I have more than enough time to find someone new. I smirked.
Sweet Pea: don't even joke like that. He said making me laugh.
Betty: you know I love you. I smiled as I kissed his cheek.
Sweet Pea: yeah. He blushed.

I just fall more and more in love with him each and every day.

We soon arrived at Fp's and he greeted us with a smile.

Betty: so, how is she? I asked Fp as I embraced him in a hug.
Fp: she definitely isn't my first choice for him. He said and I furrowed my eyebrows as we leaned out of the hug.
Betty: I'm sure she's great. I smiled.

We then all walked into the lounge where Jack and Emily were.

Betty: hey Jack. I smiled as I gave him a hug.
Emily: what are you doing? She asked as we leaned out of the hug.
Betty: hugging him? I said as I raised an eyebrow.
Emily: well he doesn't like it. She said.
Jack: it's okay. We made a deal. She can have a hug each time we see each other and she'll stop Sweet Pea from trying to hurt Bob. He told her.

Bob is Jack's pet turtle. Sweet Pea likes to pretend that he'll hurt Bob in order to annoy Jack. I'm glad me and my sister don't do things like that.

I turned my head to Fp and he was giving me a look, saying I told you.

Sweet Pea: this is going to be a fun night. He said sarcastically.
Jack: no. Fun is watching Bob swim laps of his tank and watching him eat after he's tired himself out. He said, obviously not noting Sweet Pea's sarcasm.
Emily: he wasn't being serious Jack. She said, almost annoyed by the fact that Jack couldn't pick up on the sarcasm.

I do not like this girl one bit. Where the hell did he find this witch?

Dinner was soon ready and we all sat at the table.

Betty: so, how long have you been together? I asked as I drank some water.
Jack: a little over a month. He said
Emily: a month, three weeks and two days. She smiled.
Sweet Pea: woah, Betty and I have been together for five years, seven months, three hours and 7 seconds. He said making Fp nearly spit out his food.

I held back my laugh as did Sweet Pea, but I could see the grin he was holding back.

Emily: you guys have been together for awhile. She said surprisingly.
Betty: mh. I said.

Sweet Pea looked to me and gave me a soft smile, trying to get me to stay calm.

Emily: are you guys planning on spending the rest of your lives together? She asked.

Honestly, what type of question is that to ask after we just met less than 30 minutes ago?

Jack: I hope so, I don't want him to move back in. He commented as he ate his food.
Betty: don't worry J, he's stuck with me. I smiled up at Sweet Pea.
Sweet Pea: more like you're stuck with me Princess. He smiled as he kissed my head.
Jack: good. He said.
Sweet Pea: you miss me. He chuckled.
Jack: neither Bob or I miss you. He said.
Sweet Pea: nah, you miss me. Jack rolled his eyes at him.

We finished dinner and it was honestly so awkward and weird. This girl is a creep, she acts as if Jack can't speak for himself.

I feel like she thinks she can change him.

Fp said he was going to bring all the dishes to the sink so I offered to help.

When we were in the kitchen and away from everyone I turned to face him.

Betty: I absolutely hate everything about her. There is not one good thing about that witch. I said making him chuckle.
Fp: I really don't know what he sees in her. He said as he leaned against the sink.
Betty: you know what? I bet Charlie got in his ear and told him to date her. I said. Fp chuckled as he nodded his head.

Charlie is Jack's best friend, who isn't always the best influence on him, but still, he's a great friend to Jack.

We soon walked into the lounge where the three of them had moved too.

I took a seat in Sweet Pea's lap and he wrapped his arms around me. He held me tight as he kissed my cheek.

She eventually soon left and I looked to Jack.

Betty: what made you start dating? I asked him. 
Jack: Charlie said I should either have sex with a bunch of girls or date someone. And I didn't want to have sex. He said casually.
Sweet Pea: I would have gone with the first option. He said.
Betty: oh? You want to break up asshole? I said.
Sweet Pea: babe I'm kidding. He whined as he hugged me tighter and began kissing all over my head.
Jack: please stop that. He said as he looked away from Sweet Pea and I.
Betty: do you really like her? I asked him.
Jack: no, she's annoying. He said.
Fp: then you should break up with her if you don't like her. He said.
Jack: okay. He said.

He picked up his phone and after a minute or so he put it back down.

Betty: what did you do? I asked him.
Jack: broke up with her. He said.
Sweet Pea: respect. He said.
Betty: you're actually a horrible person. I said to Sweet Pea.
Fp: you should have figured that out a long time ago. He said.
Betty: our five years, seven months, three hours and 7 seconds might be coming to an end Sweet Pea. Sweet Pea whined but Fp just bursted out into laughter.

Honestly, that was the best part of dinner.

Sweet Pea: why don't you love me. He groaned out.
Betty: because you're mean, why can't you be like your brother? He's so sweet and kind and you're, well, you. I said.
Sweet Pea: Elizabeth, I love you so much. He groaned out. I chuckled.
Betty: idiot. I said as I kissed his lips.
Jack: I'm going to my room, good night. He said.

We all said good night to him and then eventually Sweet Pea and I headed home.

Sweet Pea: I never want to be with anyone but you Betty. I love you more than anyone. He said as he cuddled me in bed.
Betty: I love you too.


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