Betty x Sweet Pea

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This is nothing too serious lol. Just an idea I thought might be funny.

Betty POV:

"Stop touching my meat" my dad Hal, told my boyfriend as he hit his hand away from the charcuterie board.

"Hal, I thought we weren't going to tell Betty about us" my boyfriend said in fake shock.

"Dad, how could you do that to me?" I said to annoy him.

"You know what, you two aren't becoming Serpent King and Queen anymore" my dad said and both Sweet Pea and I's jaws dropped.

"You can't do that" I said out of shock.

"We can and we will if you two don't go away" Fp said to us.

Somehow our fathers, strong, independent men, leaders of a gang, were roped into hosting their thirty year graduation anniversary party.

The two of them have no interest in this at all. Like really, our dangerous dads having to create charcuterie boards? It's hilarious.

"You're in my house, you can't tell me what to do" I said as I raised an eyebrow.

"My house and I can definitely tell you what to do" my dad said.

"You guys need to chill. Make some food, talk with some random losers and get them drunk" Sweet Pea said and I nodded my head in agreement.

"You have no concept of what being an adult is" Fp said.

"Betty and I are practically adults" Sweet Pea said and both ours dads turned to us, raising an eyebrow.

"Move out" Hal told us.

"Say that to us one more time and I promise you, Sweet Pea and I will move out" I said to them.

Our dads are usually very nice, ish, but this really isn't their scene. But, it is going to be a very entertaining night for Sweet Pea and I. We're going to try our best to embarrass and annoy them.

"Go away" my dad said with a sigh.

"Fine, come on Bub" I smiled as I took Sweet Pea's hand and pulled him along with me.

We walked up to my room and I jumped onto my bed as he took a seat next to me.

"We're going to make them hate us" I chuckled as I turned to face him.

"They might actually kick us out" he chuckled at me.

"Please, they would genuinely die without us" I said and he smirked as he nodded his head.

Not to be too cocky, but we're our dads pride and joy. We're practically the reason for all of their happiness. They've told us multiple times that they don't want us to move out.

"That aside, I'm so hungry" he groaned out with a pout.

"I know honey, we'll get some food later. You can have some snacks though" I said as I leaned over him and opened my draw.

I keep a whole load of snacks in my draw so that if I ever want a midnight snack or simply can't be bothered getting up, I can roll over and get something.

"Fucking hell Cooper, you're so smart. I love you" he said as he held both sides of my face and kissed my head.

I chuckled as he leaned over and looked through my draw, pulling out a few different things.

"Why have I never known this about you?" He asked as he opened up a bag of chips.

"Because if I told you, you'd only come and see me for my snacks" I said and he smirked.

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