Betty x family

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another family one because I enjoy writing them 😂
and please, leave a comment :(( kinda sucks when there's no comments

Betty POV:

Chantelle: whatever you guys do tomorrow, do not tell Nana Irene that I'm pregnant. She said as she stood in front of everyone.

Tomorrow is her wedding and she doesn't want her Nana to know she's pregnant. She is very old fashioned and if she found out, she would cause a whole fuss that Chantelle doesn't need on her special day.

Sweet Pea: if I hear this speech one more time, I'm gonna tell her. He said and I hit his side.

Sweet Pea and Chantelle are siblings. I'm dating Sweet Pea and live with them, along with their dad Fp. Chantelle's soon to be husband James, also lives here. They're saving up money right now.

Chantelle: Betty, I need you to be in control of him tomorrow. She said sternly.
Betty: don't worry, he will be. Plus, I'll make sure everything runs smoothly. I smiled.

Chantelle has put me in charge of making sure that everything is ruining smoothly. So if there's any problems, I'm left in charge to deal with them. I can only go to James and Chantelle if there is no possible way that I can sort it out. Plus, I'm her bridesmaid without the title.

She wants a very casual wedding and didn't want to deal with people fussing over what title they did or didn't get.

Sweet Pea: I love that you guys talk about me like I'm not here. He said making James and Fp laugh.
Chantelle: because you were born to annoy me Sweet Pea. She groaned as she took a seat next to James.
Chantelle: and- She started until Sweet Pea cut her off.
Sweet Pea: there's more rules? He groaned out as he flung his head over his shoulders.
Chantelle: I want you in bed before 1 am okay? I don't want you yawning all day. She said.
Sweet Pea: I'd yawn either way if I'm honest. Do I even have to go? He asked.
Betty: just when I think you can't get any stupider. I said.
Chantelle: Betty, please, for me. Find another guy to go to my wedding with. She groaned out.
James: babe everything is going to be fine tomorrow, just relax. He said as he wrapped his arm around her.
Betty: yeah he's right. I said.
Fp: I think you just need to rest. He said softly. She nodded her head.

James and Chantelle headed to their room as the rest of us did the same.

Sweet Pea and I laid on his bed together as we watched The Office on his tv.

Betty: be on your best behaviour tomorrow, okay? I said as I looked up at him.
Sweet Pea: bubs do you not trust me at all? He said as he cuddled me tighter in his arms.
Betty: of course I trust you, but I also know how much you like to annoy your sister. I said as I raised an eyebrow.
Sweet Pea: I'll be on my best behaviour tomorrow. He said making me smile.
Betty: thank you. I said as I kissed his lips.
Sweet Pea: I love you. He smiled.
Betty: I love you too.


It's currently 11:30 am and I've made sure that everything at the venue had been set out the way Chantelle and James had wanted.

I ran into a few small problems here and there but thankfully I could deal with everything on my own.

I was now sitting with Chantelle in a room close to the venue where she was having her makeup done.

Chantelle: is everything going okay? She asked as I had taken a seat.
Betty: everything is perfect. I smiled.
Chantelle: thank you so much Betty, I seriously can't tell you how much you being here and looking after everything means to me. She said as she reached out and held my hands in hers. I smiled happily.
Betty: I'm glad I can help. I smiled.

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