Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

I sat on a bar stool as I watched Fangs and Sweet Pea playing pool together.

When Toni found out that I would be here at the Wyrm, she dipped. She hates me, but that's a whole other problem.

Sweet Pea is the Serpents King and I'm incredibly proud of him. This is what he wants and what he cares about. He's a great leader.

But on the other side of that, he's an okay boyfriend.

I love Sweet Pea but sometimes I feel like he's not as proud of our relationship as I am.

When we're alone, he is the utmost beautiful, considerate and loving guy. He always looks after me and asks what I need. He puts me first. But when we're out in public, it's like he forgets that I'm the girl he loves.

He treats me more like a friend. He doesn't hold my hand, doesn't kiss me or hug me. He doesn't give me any sort of physical contact. And I don't know why because he has no problem with it when we're alone.

Sweet Pea: you want another drink? He asked.
Betty: I think I'm going to go home. I said.
Sweet Pea: everything okay? He asked and I nodded my head.
Betty: just tired. I said.
Sweet Pea: okay, text me when you get home? He said and I nodded my head.

I couldn't even get a hug or kiss goodbye.

I walked out to my car with a sigh. Is there a reason he doesn't want to kiss me in public?

I soon arrived home and texted Sweet Pea like he had asked.

I walked up to my room and changed into my pyjamas.

I took my hair out of my tight ponytail and put it into a loose messy bun. I got into bed and let my mind fall back to Sweet Pea and what we are.

All I want is for him to love me and feel comfortable enough to show that in public.

We've been together for a year so I don't know why he can't do something as simple as hold my hand.

My mind was running in sad circles when I heard my phone go off.

I picked up my phone and saw I had a message from Sweet Pea.

(Sweet Pea and Betty's messages)

have I done something to upset you Betty? You were really off before you left.

are you happy with me?

of course I am Princess.
you know that

do I?

what have I done Betts?

Why do you treat me like a friend when we're
in public? Are you ashamed to be with me?

Baby of course I'm not ashamed to be with you. You're what makes me the happiest, you're all I want in life.

then why don't you ever kiss me or hug me in public places?

I'm sorry

Don't be sorry, tell me the problem Sweet Pea.

Can we speak about this tomorrow, in person?


I love you princess, please never forget that.

Good night

(end of messages)

I held back tears as I put my phone on the charger beside my bed.

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