Betty x Sweet Pea

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Is this even really Swetty? Idk lol

Betty POV:

I stood opposite my parents as I watched my mum hold back tears.

Betty: mum don't cry. I said as I embraced her in a tight hug.
Jane: I'm sorry darling, I'm just going to miss you so much. She said as she kissed my head.
Betty: I'll miss you too. I said as we we leaned out of the embrace.

I then looked to my step dad, although I always refer to him as my dad.

He's been in my life since I was five. He's always looked after me and treated me like I was his own kid.

I have so much respect and love for him.

David: I'm going to miss you a lot kid. He said as I embraced him in a hug.
Betty: I'm gonna miss you too. I said.
David: look after yourself and be good okay? He said and I nodded my head.

After saying some more goodbyes, I headed onto my flight to Riverdale.

I live in a small town that doesn't have many options educationally wise for me. So my parents decided that it would be best for me if I lived with my dad, only until I've finished school.

My biological father, Hal Cooper, left my mother as soon as he found out she was pregnant.

But to make it all worse, he now has a wife and two young kids. He never asked to see me. He never cared about me in the slightest.

But now apparently he wants me and him to have a relationship, as well as to get to know his family.

I have no respect for him whatsoever, but I'm not going to start trouble. I just need to get along with him for the next two years.


I arrived in Riverdale and got a taxi to his house.

Hal said he would have picked me up but he didn't want to leave his wife alone with a six year old and a four month old.

The drive to my new house was long and boring.

When I got there, I took in a deep breath. I honestly don't even think I'm ready for this new life.

Hal runs some sort of gang, a gang in which I want no part in.

I knocked on the door and waited for over a minute before Hal answered the door.

He looked very different from what I had pictured him to be. I mean I've seen photos, but still.

Hal: hi, I'm glad you're here. He smiled. He went in for a hug but it was very one sided.

I hope he's not expecting me to act like he's someone I look up to. In my eyes, he isn't a man. You don't leave your family like that.

Betty: hi. I said as he unwrapped his arms from around me.
Hal: come in. He said.

I walked inside and he guided me into the lounge. Sitting on the couch was his wife, cradling a small child. And laying on the floor watching tv was his daughter Amelia.

Hal: this is my wife Alice and our youngest Blake. He said as he smiled at the two of them.
Hal: the one laying on the floor is Amelia. He chuckled.

As soon as he said her name, she stood up with a giggle and ran up to him.

He picked her up and carried her on his side.

Amelia: hello! She yelled excitedly.
Betty: hello. I smiled.

I haven't ever lived with young kids, but I know they're loud and annoying.

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