Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

I ran my hand along Sweet Pea's chest as I waited for him to wake up.

Sweet Pea is a teacher at Riverdale High. I'm a Serpent, the Serpents queen.

I noticed as Sweet Pea began to wake up. I smiled as I kissed his cheek and rested my head in the crook of his neck.

Betty: good morning handsome. I smiled.
Sweet Pea: morning. He mumbled.

We stayed in bed for a little longer together until he was finally fully awake.

Betty: come back here after school? I asked as I played with his hair.
Sweet Pea: Betty we can't do this anymore, what if Anna finds out? What if the school finds out? He sighed as he stood up, putting on his pants and the rest of his clothes.

Anna is his wife. They've been together for two years but Sweet Pea always complains that he's unhappy.

When he's with me, he always smiles.

Betty: come on baby, you know I make you happier than her. I make you feel good. I smirked as I prompted my arm on my bed, then resting my head in my hand.
Sweet Pea: she's my wife Betty, this is wrong. He said.
Betty: it's been wrong for three months, why are you complaining now? I asked him.

I got out of bed and wrapped my arms around him.

Betty: you know I'm more fun. I sung out.
Sweet Pea: enough Betty. This, whatever it is, it's over. He said as he gently pushed me off him.
Betty: fine Sweet Pea, but I know you love me and will be back in no time. You simply can't resist. I smiled.

He looked at me, not saying anything but I knew I was right.

Betty: come on Mr. Connor, you better be getting off to school. I smiled.
Sweet Pea: don't tell anyone about us? He pleaded with me.
Betty: my lips are zipped. I said.

He let out a sigh as he walked out of my room.

I took a seat on my bed and looked to the window. Shortly after I watched as he walked out.

Why can't he just accept that he's interested in me and not his wife?

I make him happy, he always comes to me and I treat him better than she ever could. What possible reason could he have to stay with her than me?

I let out a loud and annoyed groan.

I'm lucky I live alone. I can do whatever the fuck I want with no consequences. Also helps being the Serpents Queen.

I got up and took a quick shower, washing away the sins from last night. Washing away the scent of Sweet Pea.

Once I was done, I quickly dried off and changed into a short black skirt and white spaghetti strap top. I then put on a necklace and walked into the kitchen.

I saw Fangs sitting at the table as he ate breakfast and scrolled through his phone.

This is our routine, we always eat breakfast at my house before school as we talk shit and spill tea.

Fangs: morning B. He smiled.

Fangs is my absolute best friend. We've been friends since we were four.

Betty: morning. I said as I ruffled up his hair and sat beside him, taking a bite of my toast.
Fangs: is there any guy in your room that I need to be aware of? He smirked. I rolled my eyes.
Betty: he's already gone and told me we're over. I said as I rolled my eyes.
Fangs: last time he said that, I walked into your room and saw that same naked man. He almost laughed out.
Betty: he's being such a dick. I like him, he likes me. I make him feel good and he makes me feel good-
Fangs: ooh sex, fun. He smirked.
Betty: god fangsy, I need to get you laid. I said.
Fangs: please. He said.

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