Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

I was sitting in my last period class when I felt my phone vibrate in my upper pocket.

I looked up to the teacher who was sitting at his desk, looking at his computer. I quickly pulled out my phone and leant it against my computer.

I pulled down my mask to unlock my phone and then pulled my mask back up.

I went into my messages and clicked on Sweet Pea's name, or 'bubba❤️' as I have him listed in my phone.

'Can I pick you up from school?' He asked.

I live with Sweet Pea, his older brother Thomas and their dad Fp. My family is just a horrible group of people and provided a terrible environment for me. So I moved in which the Connor's about three years ago.

'it's okay Bub, I'll get the bus with Veronica' I messaged him back.

I usually get the bus home anyway, it's no big deal.

'Let me rephrase, I REALLY want to pick you up' he messaged. 'why?' I messaged. 'I have a surprise' he said. 'Please, please, please tell me it's McDonald's' I said.

I am honestly so hungry and I've been craving McDonald's for the past week.

'even better' he messaged. 'I doubt it, unless if it's another form of takeaway, I'll settle for that' I messaged. 'Okay comprise. I show you my surprise and I'll buy you Pops after?' He messaged back making me smile. 'Deal' I messaged him. 'Good, see you later Princess x' he said. 'Bye bubba ❤️'.

The lesson seemed to drag on as I waited in anticipation for it to end. I was really excited to see whatever surprise that Sweet Pea had.

Once it ended, I rushed out of class and headed to my locker. I placed all of my homework into my bag and then began walking down the corridor.

When I exited the school, I walked out into the carpark, looking for Sweet Pea's white truck. As I scanned the area, I found Sweet Pea, but not with his truck.

I walked up to him as my jaw dropped.

Betty: Sweet Pea you didn't. I said as I looked at his car.

For ages now, Sweet Pea has been telling me how much he's been obsessed with some flashy car. I honestly couldn't remember the name if I tried, cars mean nothing to me. But he's been talking about it everyday. Although Fp had told him not to buy it. Then again, this is my boyfriend we're talking about, he couldn't follow a rule if he tried.

Sweet Pea: I did. He grinned from ear to ear.

I walked up to him and embraced him in a hug as he kissed my head.

Betty: your dad is going to kill you. I said as I leaned out of the hug, continuing to look at his latest purchase.
Sweet Pea: worth it. He smiled.

We soon got into his car as I watched the way his eyes scanned the car, admiring every single feature.

Betty: you're so happy. I smiled in awe as we were stopped at a traffic light. He smiled at me.

We soon arrived at Pops and ordered my food, finally, I was equally as excited about my food as Sweet Pea was to his car.

Betty: have you told Thomas about the car? I asked.
Sweet Pea: no, but he's going to be so jealous. He said making me laugh.
Betty: what are you gonna do about your dad? I chuckled. He let out a groan.
Sweet Pea: do you think he would believe me if I say that it was just at home? He asked making me laugh.
Betty: might need to think of another excuse. I chuckled.
Sweet Pea: okay, game plan. You take the fall for this. He said and I rolled my eyes playfully.
Betty: absolutely not. I said.
Sweet Pea: I'll tell him you forced me, I had no choice.
Betty: he wouldn't believe you.
Sweet Pea: true. He mumbled as I chuckled.

I decided to eat my food at home as I was way too scared to eat it in the car.

We soon arrived home and saw Thomas in the lounge, watching tv.

Thomas: hey. He smiled to the both of us.
Sweet Pea: I have something cool to show you. He smirked.

I chuckled as Thomas followed after Sweet Pea and I began eating my food.

The boys had been out there for awhile, or long enough for me to finish my food.

Thomas: that is so sick. He said as they each took a seat on the couch.

Sweet Pea took a seat by my side and pulled me into his lap.

Thomas: but dad is going to murder you when he sees it. He said.
Sweet Pea: I don't even know why he cares so much, it's my money. He groaned.
Betty: I mean the ways in which you got that money are highly questionable. He shrugged his shoulders.

Sweet Pea and I soon moved into our room.

I was laying beside him, my head resting on his chest and his hand gently rubbing up and down my back.

Sweet Pea: what do you want to do for Valentine's Day tomorrow? He asked. I looked up to him and smiled.
Betty: cuddle. I said. He chuckled as he leaned closer to kiss my forehead.
Sweet Pea: what else? He said.
Betty: hold hands. He smirked.
Sweet Pea: wanna stay in or go out? He asked.
Betty: stay in. I said.
Sweet Pea: movie? I nodded my head.
Sweet Pea: flowers? I shook my head no.
Sweet Pea: why will you never let me buy you flowers? He asked.
Betty: because it's such a waste of money, they'll literally die in a week or so. He rolled his eyes playfully.

We spent the rest of the evening cuddling and talking about other topics before we heard the front door open and Fp yell out Sweet Pea's name.

He instantly sat up and looked to me in so much fear.

Sweet Pea: Betty take my gun and shoot me in the leg. He said.
Betty: what is that going to achieve? I asked him.
Sweet Pea: you're right, he will just lecture me on the way to the hospital. Okay new plan, I jump out the window and never come back. He said.
Betty: are you including me in this plan? I said.
Sweet Pea: okay, let's do this. He said smiled.
Betty: stupid. I laughed.
Betty: go face your dad big boy. He groaned.

Sweet Pea and I walked into the lounge and Fp was furious.

Thomas: we are going to go to my room. He said quickly as he pulled me along with him.

Thomas and I went to his room and closed the door behind us.

Betty: he is so fucked. I said as I looked to Thomas.
Thomas: did Sweet Pea ever tell you if he wanted to be buried or cremated? He asked making me chuckle.

From Thomas' room, we could heard Fp yelling at Sweet Pea and Sweet Pea yelling back, trying to justify his purchase. This lasted for about half an hour before Sweet Pea walked into the room we were in and flopped onto the bed.

Sweet Pea: I'm grounded until next month. Thomas laughed.
Betty: I mean it could be worse. It just means you're locked up here with me. I smiled.
Sweet Pea: very true. He smirked as he sat up and pulled me onto his chest.

He began kissing me, but that didn't last too long.

Thomas: not on my bed you don't. He said as he shooed us out of his room.

We chuckled as he quickly closed the door behind us and locked it.

Sweet Pea: this is going to be the best half month. He smirked as he picked me up.

I wrapped my legs around him as he took us to our room.

Sweet Pea: I love you. He whispered as he sat on our bed and I was now straddling him.
Betty: I love you too PeaPod, so much. I smiled big as I wrapped my arms around his neck, holding him tight and close to me.
Sweet Pea: you're my angel. He smiled as he placed the most gentlest kiss on my forehead.

I hope you enjoyed

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