Betty x Sweet Pea

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something cute x

Betty POV:

I was standing opposite Ethel as we chatted during our small lunch break.

Today, Ethel, myself and a few other senior students were running schools tours for parents and children, hoping to get them to enrol to the high school next year.

I'm getting extra credit for this so I'm more than happy to help out.

Ethel: look who couldn't just leave you alone? She smirked at me as she turned to talk to Dilton.

I turned around with a confused expression on my face, until it landed on Sweet Pea.

Sweet Pea: I come bearing gifts. He said as he held a bag from Pops and a milkshake in his hands.
Betty: aw bubba, thank you. I said as we went to a private area outside.
Sweet Pea: I needed some excuse to see you. He said making me chuckle.

He placed the bag on the table and I opened it up, pulling out the box of chips. I noticed that it felt really light. I looked down at it and saw that half of them were gone.

I looked up to Sweet Pea with a smirk.

Sweet Pea: sorry, I got hungry on the way here. He said making me chuckle.
Betty: you still hungry? I asked. He nodded his head.
Betty: have it. I chuckled.
Sweet Pea: no babe, I'd feel bad. He said.

I smiled as I caressed his cheek and placed a quick kiss on his lips.

Betty: sweet boy, eat. I said to him sternly, but still with a smile on my face.
Sweet Pea: yes ma'am. He said making me chuckle.

We ate in a peaceful silence for a couple minutes or so.

Sweet Pea: I want a sticker. He frowned as he looked at the one on my jacket.

It had the schools name and logo on it.

Betty: Pea, you do remember you dropped out of school right? I chuckled as I took another bite of my burger.
Sweet Pea: so? Stickers are cool. He said.
Betty: close your eyes. I smiled.

He gave me a quick questioning look before he closed his eyes.

I pushed my hand into my pocket as I pulled out a sticker.

I had a whole bunch of them in my pocket. I was helping create the little gift bags for the people taking the tours. It had an information guide, a school sticker and water bottle, a map of the school and a few other things.

I peeled the sticker off of the piece of paper and pressed it onto his shirt.

Betty: open. I smiled.

He looked down directly to his chest and a smile instantly raised onto his lips. That just made my heart melt.

Sweet Pea: thank you! He smiled.
Betty: thanks for bringing lunch. I smiled back.

This man is genuinely the cutest, most loveable and kindest person I know. Dangerous Serpent King my ass.

Betty: Sweet Pea. I said, making him look up to me.
Betty: I am so in love with you. I told him, his cheeks blushing a light pink.

He picked up the rubbish in between us and put it to his side.

He picked me up by my hips and rested me in his lap.

Sweet Pea: I love you more than anyone or anything Princess, never, ever forget that. He said.

I could feel heat radiating off of my cheeks. I'm so in love with him, every single thing about him.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head in his neck.

Betty: my boy. I whispered into his ear.
Sweet Pea: my angel. He whispered as he dropped a kiss too my head.

We stayed in the embrace for a few moments as he wrapped his arms around me and kept me warm and close to his chest.

I never wanted this moment to end, it was so pure and filled with love.

Betty: as much as I want to stay in your arms forever, I need to go back. I said.
Sweet Pea: can I come? He asked with the softest look.
Betty: bubba, if Mr. Honey sees you, he'll murder you in cold blood. I chuckled. He smiled.
Sweet Pea: I would very likely get to him first. I'd knock him unconscious and beat the living shit out of him, then shoot him in the heart, to put him out of his misery, before he could ever touch me. He said in a soft tone.
Betty: are you still taking your medication? I asked him skeptically.

Sweet Pea has had anger issues since he was a child. He takes medication for it and as far as I know, it seems to be working. 

Sweet Pea: you're so funny. He said sarcastically as I stood up.
Betty: not joking love. He rolled his eyes playfully.
Sweet Pea: if I can deal with him, will you let me stay? He asked.
Betty: as long as you don't hurt him or threaten too, of course. I said.

We walked back to the main area, where everyone who was waiting for a tour were gathered.

Mr. Honey: no, out. He said straight away to Sweet Pea.
Sweet Pea: oh come on, let me help. He said.
Mr. Honey: why on earth would you want to help? He asked as he crossed his arms.
Sweet Pea: because I get to spend time with my girlfriend. I won't do anything stupid otherwise she'll get mad at me. He said and I had to hold back a laugh.
Mr. Honey: you know I owe you no favours right? He said.

About a year ago, Sweet Pea and his Serpents trashed the school. Mr. Honey is honestly being way too nice to Sweet Pea.

Sweet Pea: I have learnt from my mistakes, and again, had to deal with a very angry Betty. He said.

We didn't speak for a month. I was really angry at him for what he did.

Eventually we made up, although it took me a while to trust him again.

Sweet Pea: look, I'm going to argue with you all day. You either let me do it now, or I waste your time. He said.

Mr. Honey turned to face me. I could tell that deep down he wanted to ask me 'why the hell are you dating him?' 

Mr. Honey: he does anything wrong and I want him gone. Immediately. He said sternly and I nodded my head.

He walked off with a sigh, I feel sorry for him. This man has to put with so much. He just wanted to be a principal, not have to deal with gangs.

Betty: you're going to make that man quit. I chuckled.
Sweet Pea: good. He smirked and I shook my head.

The tour soon began and thankfully Sweet Pea was on his best behaviour. He stayed silent majority of the time, but every now and then when a question was directed towards him, he'd act pleasant and give them an answer. One of his answers was completely wrong so I had to speak for him, without undermining what he said.

But overall, he acted the way he promised.

The tours were over and we could all finally go home. Sweet Pea dropped me here so I headed back to his house with him. I mean technically it's kinda my house too since I've moved in with him and his family.

Betty: thank you for behaving. I said as he drove us home.
Sweet Pea: you act like I'm a menace to society. He said. I raised an eyebrow at him as we stopped at a red light.

He turned to face me, a fake insulted look forming on his face.

Sweet Pea: Betty, I'm a gift from god. He said making me burst out into laughter.
Sweet Pea: you bitch. He joked as the light turned green.

I still continued to laugh, making him shake his head with a chuckle.

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