Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

I got home after studying with Veronica at about 6pm. We have a test coming up so we've both been revising together.

I walked into my room with Sweet Pea and he just stared at me, giving me an unimpressed look.

Betty: what's up Pea? I asked as I pulled some clothes out of our draws.
Sweet Pea: do you know how much I love you? He said.
Betty: as much as I love you? I said confusedly.
Sweet Pea: we haven't spent any alone time together in over a month Betty. I can't live like this! He said dramatically. I smiled.

I walked over to him and wrapped him up into a tight hug.

Betty: you miss spending alone time with me bubba, don't you? I asked and he nodded his head shyly.
Betty: have you eaten dinner? I asked him and he gave me a confused look.
Betty: just answer the question babe. I told him.
Sweet Pea: I haven't yet. He said.
Betty: would you like to go on a date tonight? Pops?  I asked him and he nodded his head excitedly.
Betty: good, handsome. I smiled as I placed a kiss on his lips.

I got back up and took off my blazer and school dress, leaving me in my bra and underwear.

I went to put on my other clothes but I looked to Sweet Pea who had his eyes attached to my body.

Betty: you enjoying yourself? I smirked as I put on a shirt.
Sweet Pea: thoughts on me railing you and then Pops date? He asked.

We haven't had sex in nearly a month and to say that I was horny, it would be an understatement.

Betty: you know my rule, we can fuck if there's only one other person in the house. And babe, the next time that occurs, you're fucking me hard and for as long as they're gone. I said and he let out a groan.
Sweet Pea: keep talking like that and I'm going to fuck you on the kitchen table in front of everyone. He said.

I put on my pants and he got up, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder.

Sweet Pea: you look so incredibly beautiful my love. He said making me blush.
Betty: aw baby. He smiled as he kissed my neck and then took my hand in his.

We walked out of his room and into the lounge where we stopped to say goodbye to his dad and brother, James.

James: where are you guys going? He asked.
Sweet Pea: date. He said sternly. I chuckled at him.

We soon left and we walked out to his truck. He opened the door for him and closed it once I got in. He got in next to me and I sat close to him.

Betty: you're the sweetest boy, bubba. I said making him blush.

The amount of love I feel for him is indescribable. Everything he does is somehow so perfect and sweet.

To everyone in the world he is dangerous, doesn't take shit and isn't afraid to get into a fight. But when he's with me and we're just alone, in our small little world. He treats me like I'm as delicate as a flower. He showers me with his love. And when we cuddle, don't get me started on how cute he is.

We arrived at Pops and he insisted that I sat in his lap, so that's exactly what I did.

Sweet Pea: can you wear my jacket please? He asked me softly. I nodded my head.

That's his favourite thing for me to wear. He always compliments me when I wear it. He calls me his little Serpent. I thought it was weird at first, but I learnt to love this affectionate name.

Sweet Pea: who gave you the power to look so hot yet so cute and cuddly? He said as he rested his head on my shoulder.
Betty: who gave you the right to be the most amazing person in my life? I said making him smile up at me.

Over dinner I stayed in his lap and we talked the whole time. We caught up on each other's week as well as talk about some old memories.

Sweet Pea: we need to spend time like this together more often. He said as we neared the end of our night.
Betty: I know bubs, school is just taking up all my time. I said.
Sweet Pea: I know bug. He sighed.
Betty: but we should definitely go on more spontaneous dates like we just did. I said, wanting to cheer him up.

It's really hard for us both that we don't get to spend that much time in the company of just one another. We need this time together, it's really important to us and our relationship.

Sweet Pea: yeah, I really enjoyed it. He smiled.
Betty: so have I. I smiled.

We both leaned in and connected our lips. The kiss lasted a few moments as we used our lips to tell each other how much we loved each other.

We soon leaned out of the embrace and I snuggled into him.

Sweet Pea: if you wanted to get married, I would have asked you now. He whispered.

I've made it very clear to him that I'm not interested in the whole marriage thing. Seeing the amount of unhappy marriages compared to the happy ones, I won't take that risk.

Betty: I would have said yes. I said. He kissed my cheek.

We soon went home and I flopped onto the bed, absolutely exhausted.

Sweet Pea got on top of me and laid down on me. I let him stay there for a minute before I told him to get off as I needed air. My 6'2 boyfriend still hasn't realised I'm incredibly shorter than him.

Sweet Pea: I just wanna lay on top of you. He whined like a child.
Betty: PeaPod, you will kill me. I said.
Sweet Pea: are you fat shamming me Princess? He said. I rolled my eyes playfully.

We got comfortable in bed, consisting of him cuddling me tight and close to his chest.

Betty: I love you Sweet Pea. I said as I kissed  his arm that was wrapped around my upper chest.
Sweet Pea: I love you too Betty, I always will. He said as he kissed the back of my neck.

I hope you enjoyed x

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