Betty x Sweet Pea

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Enjoy besties!

Betty POV:

I had just gotten out of the shower and I was drying off my body when I heard someone ring the doorbell. I was the only one home so I had to answer it.

I let out a groan as I wrapped the towel in my hair and slipped on my robe.

I walked downstairs and opened the door, being greeted by a middle aged lady.

"Hello?" I said.

"Who are you?" She said confusedly, a hint of anger in her voice.

"Betty?" I said.

This situation was really confusing. Why is there a random mother at my doorstep asking me who I am? Maybe she has dementia and is lost.

"Oh, of course you are. Home wrecker" she said as she swung her fist into my face.

"What the fuck" I said as I stumbled back and held my hands to my eye.

"So where the fuck is he, huh?" She said as she pushed past me and walked into my house.

She walked upstairs and that's when I walked into the lounge and pulled out one of the many guns scattered around the house.

I made sure the gun was loaded and I walked up to my room where she was currently snooping around.

"Get the fuck out of my house now" I said sternly as I pointed the gun directly at her heart.

"Where the fuck is he?" She yelled at me.

"There's no one fucking here you psycho bitch" I said.

"So you think I'm stupid" she said so I pointed the gun to the wall and pressed the trigger.

She looked terrified at the sound of the gun. That's when I took my chance. I walked up to her and pushed her up against the wall by her neck. I then pushed the gun to her head.

"Test me one more time and you'll never be able to breath again" I said sternly.

I pushed her head into the wall one more time and then I let go. She knew I wasn't messing around so she quickly left.

Once I heard the front door close I walked back into my bathroom and looked in my mirror. All around my eye was red and some parts you could see that a bruise was starting to form.

"Betty?" I heard Sweet Pea's voice coming from the back of the house.

"I'm in my room" I called out as I continued looking in the mirror.

I heard as Sweet Pea walked upstairs and I turned my tap on and dampened a face cloth.

"I heard a gun shot, are you okay?" He asked as he got into my room.

"Yeah, some literally psycho, crazy, middle aged lady stormed into my house claiming I'm a home wrecker and was looking for a guy. She wouldn't leave so I shot at the wall and that got her attention" I said as he turned the corner into my bathroom.

"What happened to your eye?" He frowned as he rested his hand on my chin and turned it so I was looking to him.

"As soon as I told her my name she swung" I said.

"Go lie down" he said.

He took the face cloth out of my hands and I walked to my bed.

I laid down under the covers since the only thing stopping me from exposing myself is my robe.

He rinsed the face cloth and then walked back into my room. He took a seat by my side and rested it over my eye.

"Do you want me to get some ice?" He asked me.

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