Betty x Sweet Pea

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My babies are very adorable in this one shot

Betty POV:

Betty: this is seriously such a stupid idea. I told my best friend.
Veronica: why? You want a boyfriend, my brother wants a girlfriend and I think you guys would work out perfectly for each other. She said.
Betty: you haven't even told me his name, plus, I never said I wanted a boyfriend. I said.
Veronica: Betty you complain to much. She said as she unlocked her door.
Betty: says the girl who complained to a restaurant because their waiters didn't smile enough. Okay Karen. I said.
Veronica: I'm doing something nice which I rarely do.
Betty: don't I know. I mumbled.
Veronica: I'm reconsidering this friendship. She said.
Betty: only now? I said.

We have a love hate relationship with each other.

She guided me into the kitchen and I saw a face that I hadn't seen in two years.

Sweet Pea Connor.

Two years ago, Sweet Pea and I use to date.

We loved each other a hell of a lot, but me being a North Sider and him being a South Sider, as well as a Serpent, we weren't working out.

The day we broke up, there was a lot of crying, begging and pleading from each other.

We didn't want to end it, but we weren't really happy and it was just a really messy situation.

Sweet Pea looked up at me, his brown eyes landing on mine.

His hair was slightly covering his eyes but it just made him more attractive. It reminded me of when I'd wake up in the mornings and see him sleeping next to me.

Veronica: B, this is my brother Sweet Pea, or idiot as I like to call him. And Sweet Pea, this is my bestie Betty. Now, I have a full beauty day planned for me. You have the house to yourself, behave. She winked at us as she walked out.

Sweet Pea and I were left staring at each other.

Betty: can I get a hug? I smiled.

What I wouldn't do to be back in his arms, him kissing my head and telling me that we were okay.

Sweet Pea: of course. He breathed out in relief.

He walked over to me and engulfed me in a tight hug.

I wrapped my arms around him too, holding him equally as tight.

Betty: I missed you. I whispered into his chest.
Sweet Pea: I never stopped thinking about you. He whispered. I looked up at him as I rested my head on his chest.
Sweet Pea: I miss the way you did that. He smiled.
Betty: I've missed waking up in bed with you. I said.
Sweet Pea: I missed having you as mine. He said.
Betty: the day we broke up never left my mine. It really was the worst day of my life Pea. I said as I sighed.
Sweet Pea: I know Princess, it never left my mind either. He said.

I smiled at the way he called me Princess. He use to always call me that.

Sweet Pea: we should talk. He said and I nodded my head.

He let go of me but connected our hands.

I held onto it tight as he lead me to the couch.

As he took a seat, I couldn't help but sit in his lap and smash my lips to his.

Sweet Pea was the only guy I've ever been with. I know no other guy the way I know him. I need everything from him.

He kissed back as eagerly and wrapped his arms around my waist.


We layed breathlessly in his bed.

Betty: sorry, I just. I said and took a breath as I turned my head to him.
Betty: needed you. He gave me a soft smile, pushing some of my hair behind my ear.
Sweet Pea: no complaints from me. He breathed out.
Sweet Pea: do you want some water? He asked and I nodded my head.

Not having sex for two years really makes you exhausted.

He got out of bed and put on his boxers, walking into the kitchen

It gave me some time to think.

I never thought I'd see Sweet Pea again, let alone confessing my feelings for him all over again and in his bed.

But this is everything I could have ever wanted.

When we were together, it was beyond perfect. It's indescribable how happy he made me.

He always cared for me, put my needs and wants before his own. He always made sure I was safe and happy.

He treated me like I was the only girl worth loving.

I was drawn out of my thoughts as Sweet Pea came back into the room.

He gently handed me my water and I smiled as I took a sip.

Betty: Pea. I said as he got into bed.

I placed the water on the side table and caressed his chin.

Betty: I love you. I said.
Sweet Pea: I love you too Betty. It's always been you. He whispered.

He wrapped me into his arms as he made sure to completely cover me in blankets.

Sweet Pea: are you warm? He asked. I couldn't help but smile.
Betty: I am. I said.
Betty: we have a lot to catch up on. I said and he nodded his head.
Betty: when did you move to the north side? I asked him.
Sweet Pea: six months ago, when Veronica arrived. He said.
Betty: how come you never told me you had a sister? I asked.
Sweet Pea: I didn't know. He chuckled.
Sweet Pea: she just showed up on my door step one day and said we were related. We did a DNA test and surely enough, we were related. She had bought a house on the north side and told me she wanted me to live with her, so we could know each other. He told.
Betty: that's crazy Pea. I said.
Sweet Pea: tell me about it. He said making us both laugh.

We stayed in a peaceful silence, enjoying the embrace.

Betty: have you dated anyone else? I asked, not looking at him.
Sweet Pea: Betty. He sighed.
Betty: it's okay, we weren't together. I said.

I know we were broken up and if he did date another girl, it's okay, but still.

Sweet Pea: I tried dating some girl but it lasted a day before I dumped her. He said.
Sweet Pea: she wasn't you. He said as he caressed my chin, making me look up at him.
Sweet Pea: did you date anyone baby girl? He said. I shook my head.
Betty: I couldn't ever get over you. I said and he smiled.
Sweet Pea: I've missed your smile, your face, your body. The way you cuddle with me, the way we had sex, know matter if it was soft or hard. He said making me blush.
Sweet Pea: I missed making you blush, I miss when you'd tease me. I missed us. He said.
Betty: I missed having you. I pouted as I snuggled my head into his neck.
Sweet Pea: I should have fought harder for us. He said.
Betty: what were you supposed to do Pea? The world was against us. I told him.
Sweet Pea: I don't know but I should have tried harder to make sure we stayed together, to make sure you weren't hurt. He said.
Betty: you were hurt too Pea. I said.
Sweet Pea: yeah but nothing hurt me more than that day. You were crying, holding onto my arm. That destroyed me more than you'll ever know. He said.

I saw as tears welled up in his eyes.

It took awhile for him to become open with his emotions with me. It was a hard habit to break but I'm so glad he feels safe and comfortable enough with me to show how he truly feels.

I moved myself onto his chest and kissed the corner of his lips. This always made him calm down.

Sweet Pea: my little monkey. He smiled.

He always called me that when I climbed onto his chest.

Betty: what's stopping us from getting back together now? I asked him.
Sweet Pea: absolutely nothing. I am not ever letting us break up and that's a threat. He said making me laugh.
Betty: I like that threat. I smiled.

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