Betty x Sweet Pea Part 2

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Part twooo and also, follow my Instagram @ swettyslove

Betty POV:

What am I doing?

God, I've really wanted a boyfriend these past two years and I've had some pretty terrible influences in my life.

Back when my bat shit crazy mother invited a stranger who she thought was my brother into the house. He encouraged me to try out video chatting with horny guys.

I thought the idea was ridiculous, well than one night I felt extremely alone, so I did it.

I put on a black wig and applied makeup I would never wear in public.

It was kinda fun at first, knowing the power I had over these men, but I was way too scared of ever getting caught.

As I was stuck in my mind, I heard my phone go off. It was a message from Sweet Pea reading 'meet by Sweet Water lake, 6pm'.

I sent Ethel a quick text, telling her where I was going to be tonight, what time and who I was with. Safety first.

There was about an hour left until I had to leave the house so I headed up to my room to find something to wear.

I opened up my closet and looked for something that would make me look my best in.

After trying on nearly all my closet had, I decided on a white long sleeved shirt, paired with denim overalls.

I put it all on and then went into the bathroom. I took down my hair and brushed it out.

I then applied some mascara and lip gloss.

I walked back into my room and looked into my full length mirror.

I really hope I don't make a fool of myself tonight. I mean he was definitely a lot nicer than usual when we started to really talk to each other. He seemed genuine, but I really don't want to get hurt.

It was hard enough when my ex best friend, Archie Andrews, told me that he wasn't good enough for me. That night was terrible, I lost my best friend and the guy I was head over heels for.

If it felt that bad when I wasn't even dating him, I couldn't ever imagine how hard a break up would be.

Why does dating have to be so complicated? Why can't I just like one guy who I know won't ever hurt me? I just want to feel happy and safe.

By now it was time I had to leave.

I got into my car and made it to the lake, claimed by both the North and South Side.

I parked my car and walked down to the sand.

Sweet Pea was sitting on a picnic blanket, on top was a range of fruits and other foods.

He noticed me and smiled, I smiled too. I walked over to the blanket and sat beside him.

Betty: this looks really nice Sweet Pea. I smiled.
Sweet Pea: anything for my girlfriend. He smiled.
Betty: not my boyfriend. I smirked.
Sweet Pea: why is dating you so hard? He groaned.
Betty: because I ask for basic respect? I said as I raised an eyebrow.
Sweet Pea: North Siders. He sighed.

We began talking, learning a little bit about each other.

Betty: so do you have any siblings? I asked as I ate a strawberry.

He had told me that his parents left him about three years.

Sweet Pea: I have an older brother, Leo. He said.
Sweet Pea: do you have any siblings? He asked.
Betty: a sister who ran away because of my parents, and a possible step brother. I said.
Sweet Pea: maybe we have something in common, crazy families. He smirked.
Betty: unfortunately. I said.
Sweet Pea: were you close with your sister? I nodded my head.
Sweet Pea: I'm sorry. He said genuinely. I gave him a small smile.

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