Betty x Sweet Pea Part 1

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Let's get straight into it :)

Betty POV:

Sweet Pea: I'm so excited for her to come. He smiled from ear to ear. I smiled too.
Betty: I'm excited to meet her. I said making him hold me tighter.
Tyler: you shouldn't, she's really annoying. He said.
Sweet Pea: shut up Tyler. He said.

Tomorrow morning, their sister will be coming down to Riverdale and staying for the week.

Sweet Pea is absolutely beyond ecstatic. He completely adores his sister Emily, she's 17, a year younger than himself. She's the same age as me. Tyler on the other hand, he's three years older.

Tyler hates Emily. He thinks she's rude, bratty and that Sweet Pea is stupid for liking her.

Tyler: I'm just trying to prepare Betty for the monster that she's going to have to fake that she likes. He said as he shrugged his shoulders. 
Sweet Pea: well I'm sure she'll be fine, since she's really good at faking like she can tolerate you. He said sarcastically.
Fp: boys, enough. Their father had told them.
Sweet Pea: Whatever, wanna go to bed? He asked me and I nodded my head.
Betty: good night. I said to Fp and Tyler as Sweet Pea dragged me to our room.

We walked into our room and he closed the door behind us.

Sweet Pea: I can't wait for you to meet her. He smiled as he gave me his shirt to change into.
Betty: you're so cute. I smiled as I changed into his shirt.
Sweet Pea: I really hope you like her. He said as he got into bed.
Betty: well if she's anything like you, I'll love her. I smiled as I got into bed.

I laid down next to him and he wrapped his arm around my waist, so that my back was taught to his chest.

Sweet Pea: I love you Princess. He said softly, kissing my neck.
Betty: I love you too PeaPod. I smiled.


It was the next morning, just past nine and Emily had arrived. Sweet Pea looked so happy as he embraced her in a tight hug.

I love seeing him so happy.

Sweet Pea: Emily, this is Betty, my girlfriend. He said as he introduced the two of us.
Betty: it's so nice to meet you. I smiled as I embraced her in a hug.
Emily: I'm glad to meet you too, Sweet Pea always talks about you. She said with a shy smile.

I looked to Sweet Pea and smirked. He rolled his eyes playfully.

Sweet Pea: I'm going to put your stuff in your room, I'll be right back. He said as he picked up her bags.

Once Sweet Pea had left the room, Emily's smile turned into an unimpressed look.

Emily: I don't like you and I promise by the end of the week you and Sweet Pea aren't going to be together. She said.

I was in complete and utter shock by what she had just said to me.

I turned to face Tyler who was standing beside me. I just wanted to see if we were hearing the same thing.

Tyler: told you Betty, she's a terrible person. He said. I then turned to face Fp.
Emily: he can't help you. She smiled. I turned back to face her.
Emily: I'm in control now. She smirked at me.

I stood there in shock. What the hell is wrong with this girl?

We remained in silence for the next moment, before Sweet Pea walked back into the lounge.

Sweet Pea: so, what do you want to do? He smiled at Emily as he took a seat next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

I placed a kiss on his cheek and rested my head on his shoulder. I honestly just wanted to annoy her.

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