Betty x Sweet Pea Part 2

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my bubbas are so cute 🥺

Sweet Pea POV:

Betty has been living with me for the past three months.

She thankfully decided to live with me where I could look after her and watch over her. As well as treat her as the Princess she is.

The first couple weeks were a little rough as she was really upset. Not to mention, Fangs, Betty and I went out to dinner one night and we saw Toni and Jughead kissing.

But after those few weeks, she got back up on her feet and was returning back to her happy, fun, beautiful, smart and giggly self.

I'm so proud of her.

Meanwhile, Fangs cut all contact with Toni and Jughead, as well as I. Losing them isn't the worst thing in the world to happen.

As far as Betty and I, we're together, ish.

We cuddle, we kiss and sleep in the same bed all the time, but we haven't put any labels on what we are.

We're both happy with where our relationship is at at the moment, chilling together and doing what makes us both happy.

I had just come home from school. I threw my bag onto the floor and then flopped onto my bed.

I turned on the tv and then went onto my phone.

Betty goes to Riverdale High, whereas I go to South Side High. But thankfully, the police have actually done their job and are closing done the school. Which means we'll all be transferred to Riverdale High.

I had been on my phone for about half an hour when I heard the door open. I smiled knowing that it was Betty.

After a minute or two, I saw her beautiful figure walk into my room, a smile instantly forming on her face.

Sweet Pea: hey Angel. I smiled as she came and laid with me.

I put down my phone and wrapped her up into my arms.

Betty: hey PeaPod. She smiled as she placed a soft kiss along my lips.
Sweet Pea: how was school? I asked as she made herself comfortable in my arms.
Betty: it was pretty good, how about you? She smiled.
Sweet Pea: it was okay, Jughead fell down the stairs. I said making her instantly laugh.

Her smile is the most gorgeous thing ever.

Sweet Pea: so I was thinking, maybe tonight I can take you out on a date? I asked.

Betty and I have never been on a date together and I really wanted too.

I wanted to see her getting all dressed up and watch as she blushes while I compliment her until the night ends and she's fallen asleep in my arms.

Betty: rain check? She asked.
Sweet Pea: why, got another date? I said as I raised an eyebrow, she giggled.
Betty: of course not silly. She said.
Betty: Fangs and I are hanging out tonight. She said.
Sweet Pea: so you're telling me, my two best friends are hanging out, without me? I said.
Betty: exactly. She said.
Sweet Pea: don't even think about getting me anything for my birthday. She rolled her eyes.

My birthday is tomorrow and I've been distracting Betty and Fangs all week so that they wouldn't have the time.

Tonight was supposed to be a date, not finding me a present and leaving me alone for hours without my Cuddlebug.

Betty: you're stupid, anyway, I need to get ready. She said as she tried to pull away.  I tightened my grip around her.
Sweet Pea: excuse me Princess? I asked.
Betty: stupid. She smiled as she kissed my cheek and squirmed her way out from my grasp.

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