Betty x Sweet Pea

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Hi! You're looking nice today <3
Honestly, I can't tell if that comes off as creepy or nice lol.

Betty POV:

"You're all dumb, but your boyfriend must have been dropped or kicked as a baby" Malachai said as he sat opposite me.

I was currently trying to eat dinner at the best place in town, Pops. Of course I was interrupted by the one and only, Malachai. His dad is in charge of the Ghoulies, the rival gang of mine, the Serpents.

My father, Hal Cooper and Fp Jones, my best friends dad, Sweet Pea, are in control of the gang. When they both decide that we're ready, we'll take over from them.

"Boyfriend?" I asked him. Last time I checked, the guy I like is dating someone other than me.

"Sour Pus" he said making me chuckle.

If I wasn't so jealous of Sweet Pea being in a happy relationship, I would have defended my best friend.

"So how exactly are we dumb and why are you telling me?" I asked him as I took a sip of my chocolate milkshake.

"It becomes boring after a month of you guys just handing me all your secrets" he said and I raised an eyebrow. He's finally peaked my attention.

For the past month or so, the Ghoulies have known our every move way before we ever had the chance to put the idea into an action. We thought we had a snitch in the Serpents so when we came up with new plans, the idea only stayed between four people, myself, my dad, Fp and Sweet Pea. Again, that information still go leaked and of course neither of us would do it.

"Who's the rat?" I asked him seriously.

"If you can't figure it out, that's your problem" he chuckled as he took a fry off of my plate.

The only logical person to suspect is Andrea, Sweet Pea's girl. But the thing is, they've been dating for two months and the problem only started one month ago.

"Andrea?" I asked him. He smirked as he nodded his head.

"Why should I believe you?" I asked him.

"How else would I always be one step ahead of you?" He smirked.

"Plus, do I really need to give you another reason to hate her?" He smirked.

It's actually kind of funny how Malachai notices that I like Sweet Pea. Him and I obviously spend a lot less time together. But Sweet Pea, the guy I've known literally since the day I was born can't see that I am incredibly head over heels for him.

"Who is she? What role does she have in the Ghoulies?" I asked him.

She definitely isn't someone important to the Ghoulies otherwise one of the four of us would have put a stop to her ever stepping foot in our bar.

"My girlfriend" he said and I gave him the most confused look.

"Why?" I said.

What type of idiot nominates their girlfriend to date another guy? That is just beyond me.

"No one I trust more" he said and I smirked.

"They sure kiss a lot" I said, wanting to start a bit of trouble. He raised an eyebrow.

"Enough for me to shoot her?" He asked me.

"I would say so, but I guess I'm biased" I said making him chuckle.

"You know, since you've actually been useful, I want to give you some advice" I said and he raised an eyebrow.

"I'm intrigued" he said interestedly.

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