Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty is 18, Jellybean is 16
also, please stop letting my one shots flop 🥺

Betty POV:

I sat on the Jones' couch as I scrolled through Instagram. Sweet Pea was out somewhere and the only other person here was Jellybean. 

She's like the little sister I always wanted.

Jellybean: Betty. She sighed.
Betty: what's wrong? I asked.

She handed me her phone and let out a sigh.

I read her messages between some guy named Brad and herself.

He was trying to go out with her but she kept denying him. He wouldn't stop.

Jellybean: he won't stop messaging me and I can't block him because he'll keep harassing me at school. She said sadly.
Betty: I have a plan. I smirked.

I sent this guy a message saying 'fine, meet me at the Wyrm'. I said and handed Jellybean her phone.

She read the message and her eyes widened.

Jellybean: Betty why would you do that? She said.
Betty: when he gets there he won't be talking to you, he'll be dealing with me. I said.
Jellybean: thank you so much Betty! She said as she embraced me in a tight hug.
Betty: of course, no one messes with my favourite girl. I said. She smiled.


I was sitting up in my dad, Hal, and Fp's office.

My legs rested on the desk as I waited for this pre pubescent boy to enter my bar.

I mean technically it's not mine yet, but it will be one day.

Jellybean sat in the corner as she kept moving around.

Jellybean: what if this back fires? She said worriedly.
Betty: since when did you not trust me? I said as I raised an eyebrow.

Before she had the chance to answer my question, Tall Boy walked into the office and pushed in this Brad kid.

Brad: w-who are you? He said with fear in his voice.

I'm sure Tall Boy has roughed him up a little.

Betty: well. I said as I took my feet off the desk and walked over to him.
Betty: to you, I'm probably your worst nightmare. I smiled.
Betty: you keep talking to Jellybean. I said as I pulled out my gun and pointed it towards his heart.
Betty: I won't even give you a chance to breath another breathe. Jellybean isn't interested and she's made that clear. So you leave now, or you don't leave until you're dead. I laughed.
Betty: make your choice. I smirked.

He began walking backwards in fear, running into Tall Boy.

Tall Boy put on his angriest face, topping everything off.

Brad: I won't speak to her again, I promise. He stuttered.
Betty: good, now go. I don't want to ever see you or hear your name again. I said.

He scrambled out of the room immediately. I looked to Tall Boy and he had a smirk on his face.

He'd never miss an opportunity to terrorise a kid.

Tall Boy: we should do this more often, tell your dads this should be an extra part of the initiation. He smirked.
Betty: noted. I smirked as he left the room.

Jellybean walked up to me and embraced me in a tight hug.

Jellybean: thank you so much. She breathed out.
Betty: you always come to me if you need something, okay? I said. She nodded her head.
Jellybean: Betty? She whispered.

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