Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

Sweet Pea: good morning sweet looking angel. He said as he hugged me from behind.
Betty: I hate you. I hope every meal you eat from now on, you choke. I said.

He looked to me with the most shocked and confused look on his face.

Sweet Pea: what's wrong angel? He asked as he took a seat next to me and carried my hands into his.
Betty: well firstly asshole, you didn't give me any cuddles. Secondly, you literally took all the blankets, I couldn't even pull it back. I stood no chance against you. I was freezing so I had to put your clothes on at 3 in the morning. I was still cold and couldn't sleep. Sweet Pea bursted into laughter.

No wonder I'm his first girlfriend to last longer than a month. That should have been a red flag, that he's a complete dick.

Betty: you won't be laughing when I move out. I said. He instantly pouted.
Sweet Pea: I'm sorry. He whined.

He wrapped his arms around me as tight as he could and began kissing all over my face. Okay, I guess he is pretty perfect.

Betty: I love youuu. I dragged out as I placed a quick kiss on his lips.

He smiled happily as he let go of me and made himself some breakfast.

Sweet Pea: what are you up to today? He asked as he sat opposite me.
Betty: just hanging out with Veronica. I said and he nodded his head.

Sweet Pea would be looking after and dealing with the Serpents as he's king. It can really suck sometimes as he puts so much of his time and effort into them.

I want more of his time.


I had just come back from hanging out with Veronica, it was great. We caught up with each other since we last hung out, watched many movies, ate way too much junk food and overall enjoyed each other's company.

I sat on the couch as I saw Sweet Pea walk inside. I was glad he was finally home, I couldn't wait to tell him about my day.

I was about to open my mouth but I saw such an angry expression plastered on his face.

Betty: what's wrong baby? I asked worriedly as I got up and walked to his side, trying to caress his cheek.

He gently pushed my hand away from him as he walked away from me. He completely ignored me as he walked to the office he has in the back of the house.

I took a seat back on the couch letting out a sigh. I pulled my legs up to my chin and wrapped my arms around them. I rested my head on my knees.

I hate when he's like this. He has a bad day with the Serpents and he comes home angry, not wanting to speak to me. 

I know he doesn't realise he's hurting me but it does. It hurts a lot.

I want him to be able to separate work from personal.

I sat there for a while, wondering how I'm supposed to address and deal with this situation.

I let out a sigh.


It was later in the night and I was eating dinner alone in our bedroom. He hasn't left his office yet. Hasn't spoken a word to me.

I soon fell asleep but was woken up at ten minutes past two am. He wrapped his arm around me and snuggled close to me.

I let out an annoyed sigh as I moved away from him, his arm falling onto the bed.

Sweet Pea: babe what's wrong? He asked.

I ignored him. I didn't want to look at him nor speak to him.

Sweet Pea: baby? He said as he turned on the lamp light. I still remained silent.
Sweet Pea: Betty please talk to me. He said sternly but not angrily.

I turned to face him and gave him an angry look.

Betty: I don't want to speak to you. I said as I turned back around and rested my head on my pillow.

He turned off the lamp light and didn't bother to try and wrap his arm around me again.


It was the next day and I sat in the back room alone, eating breakfast in silence.

Once I had finished I placed my plate on the floor and layed on the couch peacefully.

I had been there for a while when I heard a soft knock on the door frame. I turned to the door and saw Sweet Pea standing there.

Sweet Pea: can I come in? He asked. I turned away from him.
Betty: you can do whatever you want, this is your house. I said. He sighed as he walked in.
Sweet Pea: Betty you know that isn't true, this is your house too. He said. I didn't bother to respond. He took a seat opposite me.
Sweet Pea: tell me what's going on. He said as he looked to me.
Betty: why don't you see the problem? I said angrily as I stood up.

He quickly walked over to me as he held onto my arm.

Sweet Pea: please Betty I'm begging you, tell me what's going on? He begged me.
Betty: you Sweet Pea, you're my problem. Every time you come home from the wyrm and you're angry, you completely ignore me. I said as tears formed in my eyes.
Sweet Pea: Betty I. He started but stopped himself.

He caressed both sides of my face and lifted my chin so that I was looking into his eyes.

He used his thumb to wipe away the tear that had fallen down my cheek.

Sweet Pea: I am sorry Betty. I didn't realise how much of an idiot and asshole I was being to you. He said as he looked into my eyes.
Betty: it fucking hurts. I said. He took in a deep breath.
Sweet Pea: I'm really sorry. He said.

I rested my head in his chest and he held me tighter.

Sweet Pea: I will never and have never meant to have hurt you. He whispered.

I wrapped my arms around him and held him close to me.

Betty: I just. I started but stopped. Not knowing what to say.
Sweet Pea: tell me baby. He said.
Betty: separate you from me and the Serpents. I sniffled.
Sweet Pea: I will, I promise Betty. I really do. He said. 
Betty: okay. I said as I wiped my nose on his shirt.
Sweet Pea: baby, you did not just wipe your nose on me. He said in shocked amusement.
Betty: no, I would never. I giggled.
Sweet Pea: you're so gross. He laughed as he picked me up.

I wrapped my legs around his torso and kissed his forehead as I rested my head against his shoulder.

Sweet Pea: you're so perfect. He smiled.
Betty: even when I wipe my nose on you? I smirked.
Sweet Pea: especially when you wipe your nose on me. He teased me. I smiled.

He soon sat down and I was straddling his lap. My arms wrapped around his neck and I gave him a soft smile.

Betty: I do love you more than anything. I said as I looked into his eyes.
Betty: I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I said as I moved my right hand and caressed his cheek.

I rubbed my thumb over his stubbly skin. He needs to shave. He tried to grow a beard once and I hated it. He looked weird.

Sweet Pea: I want to spend the rest of my life with you too baby, I love you so much. I would really hate to see myself now if I never had you in my life. And I promise things will change. He said as he looked deep into my eyes.
Betty: thank you J. I said

He smiled at the way I used his real name, Jordan, something he's only ever told me.

Betty: Jordan you're mine for the rest of your life. I said, loving using his real name.
Sweet Pea: good Elizabeth. If you ever try to leave me I'm gonna tie you down and lock you up in the basement until you take me back. He joked, making me laugh.

I hope you all enjoyed xx

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