Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

I was laying on the couch with the blanket wrapped around me as I watched YouTube on the tv.

I mainly used it for background noise as I scrolled through Instagram and watched the TikToks that Veronica was sending me.

I had been home alone for about an hour when Fp came home from the Wyrm.

I live with my boyfriend Sweet Pea and his family. His dad is Fp and Sweet Pea has an older brother, Tyler.

Fp: hey, how was your day? He asked as he picked up my legs and took a seat on the couch, then resting my legs on his lap.
Betty: it was okay. I said.
Fp: how come you didn't go out? He asked.

Sweet Pea and our South Side friends were going to go out and party, no doubt in my mind that Sweet Pea will come home completely drunk.

Betty: just really tired. I told him. He chuckled.
Fp: of course you are, you go to sleep past 11 pm every school night. He said making me chuckle.
Betty: I can't help that I fall asleep late. I said. He rolled his eyes playfully.
Fp: I'm sure if you slept in a separate room from Sweet Pea, you'd go to sleep a lot earlier. He smirked.
Betty: I mean, we'd probably just text each other the whole night. I said with a chuckle.
Fp: probably right. Plus I'd have to deal with Sweet Pea complaining about not being able to sleep with you. He said making us laugh.

We continued to watch tv until a short while later when Tyler came home.

Fp: how drunk are you? He asked him.
Tyler: I actually only had one drink. He said.
Fp: wow. He said in shock. Tyler rolled his eyes.
Tyler: move over. He said to me.
Betty: there's no space, go sit on the other chair. I said.
Tyler: no, I want to lay here under the blankets. He said.
Betty: it's my blanket, no. I said.
Tyler: yes. He said.
Betty: no.

He let out a huff as he laid down next to me and used his body to push me further into the couch.

Betty: Tyler. I groaned as he wrapped the blanket around himself.
Tyler: I asked you nicely. He said.
Betty: you did not. I said as I rolled my eyes.
Tyler: why do you even have to live here? He said.
Betty: why haven't I let Sweet Pea beat the living shit out of you? I said back.
Fp: you two are annoying. One second you'll be best friends and then the next you'll be fighting. He said as he shook his head.
Tyler: while we're all here, I have a complaint I want to talk about. He said.
Betty: of course you do. I mumbled.
Fp: what is it? He chuckled.
Tyler: okay so, when I was Sweet Pea's age and had girls over, I wasn't allowed to sleep with the door closed or even have the door closed in general. But, she lives here and they're allowed to have the door closed whenever they want. What's this all about? He said and I laughed.
Betty: the people you date are extremely questionable, of course he wouldn't trust you to be alone with them. I said.
Tyler: so he's just supposed to trust you? He said as he raised an eyebrow.
Betty: well duh. You forget that Sweet Pea and I had been dating for about two years before I moved in here. He knows what I'm like. I told him.
Tyler: well now I want to hear what you have to say. He said to Fp.
Fp: she's exactly right. I knew she wouldn't do anything stupid, especially get pregnant. He said.
Tyler: well how do you know that Sweet Pea won't convince her otherwise? He said.
Fp: the day she listens to him and his antics, is the day I believe that earth is flat. He said making me chuckle.
Tyler: this is favouritism. He said.
Betty: Tyler, you've had three woman tell you that they might be pregnant, you're just lucky that each time it was a false alarm. I said.
Tyler: so? He said.
Betty: look, I'm way more responsible than you, end of story. That's why Fp trusts me. I said.
Tyler: so favouritism. He said.
Fp: my favourite will always be Betty. I have one kid I can be proud of. He said.

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