Betty x Sweet Pea

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Ummm I kinda don't have any drafts left to post. So I have no idea when you're getting a new update. Lol.

Betty POV:

Betty: I can't believe you came back here after you promised you wouldn't. I yelled at my best friend.

Kevin is gay. I support and love him. But he's doing extremely dangerous things in order to get a hook up.

There's this known place in Riverdale called lovers lane. It's some dogy path that leads you into the forest. It's where anyone from the lgbt+ community can go, in order to seek a hook up or maybe even a relationship.

This place though, it's known all through out Riverdale. This meaning that angry homophobes know exactly where to go to hurt them.

Just within the last month, a person has been shot, another stabbed and multiple others injured. I'm not trying to deny Kevin of finding someone, I'm trying to make sure he won't get hurt or ever worse killed. 

Kevin: god Betty, when will you give up. He said in disbelief. Beside him was Cheryl Blossom.

She was the one who told me that Kevin was here. But now she's on his side. She only told me so that it would start up trouble between him and I.

Kevin: this is all I have Betty. There aren't any other guys on the North Side for me to see. This is all I have. I'm not like you Betty, getting to date the guy next door and live happily ever after. He yelled at me.

I'm currently dating Archie Andrews, although I use that term loosely.

We're technically together but he cheats on me. He has for over a year now.

Every time he said it would be the last, but it never was.

One night he was out god knows where, I was at Pops eating dinner alone. A handsome Serpent made himself known to me.

His name is Sweet Pea.

I told him I had a boyfriend, he asked where he was and I said I had no clue. He smirked as he sat on the opposite side of me 'than I have no competition'.  He said. I blushed, I haven't received attention from Archie in a long time. I craved this.

I spent the next two hours with Sweet Pea that night. He was flirty but overall really sweet.

That was a little under 10 months now. Sweet Pea and I are officially dating. Although we keep it very private. It's just his friends that know.

I don't know where Archie and I stand. We never officially broke up but we both know we're not together. We've never said it in words and I know I really need too. It's just I don't want to deal with the person who ruined so much of my happiness.

On the other hand, I want to be public with Sweet Pea, instead of sneaking around.

I'll deal with those problems later, but right now Kevin is my concern.

Betty: Kevin there are extremely nice Serpent guys you can meet. They're so much safer then this. I said.

If there's anyone as sweet as my boyfriend, Kevin would be a lucky guy.

Kevin: you preach about how being here is dangerous but you want me to date a snake? He scoffed.

I held back anger as I rolled my eyes. Sweet Pea has told me how much he hates the bad reputation the Serpents get. It's the Ghoulies who are the real problem.

Another reason I haven't told any of my friends that I'm dating a Serpent, they'd treat Sweet Pea like shit.

We were all born on the North Side and were brought up to believe that the Serpents are bad and dangerous people. People we should never, ever associate ourselves with.

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