Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

"I'm so excited" I said with the biggest smile as I filled up a glass of wine.

"I'm so nervous" Anna said as she poured herself a large glass of wine.

"He's going to say yes" I said as I placed the wine glass on the table and began setting out the rest of the table.

"Are you sure?" She asked nervously as she took a seat.

"Anna, this man is head over heels for you. I have never seen him more in love. He is going to say yes a million times" I said and she smiled.

"So you're 100% sure?" She asked. I chuckled as I took the glass out of her hand and held onto her hands.

"Yes, I am 100% sure. Now we need to keep going, he'll be here soon" I smiled. She nodded her head.

Tonight Anna, Sweet Pea's girlfriend of five years is going to propose to Sweet Pea. When she first came to me with this idea, I was beyond ecstatic. We love a women who knows what she wants so she takes it. Why should a girl wait for a man to propose anyway?

As I fixed up their backyard, she focused on finishing up dinner and plating it.

As she was placing the food on the table and straightening up the forks and knifes, she looked up to me.

"Could you check my phone, see if he's said anything about how close he is? And if he hasn't, text him from my phone" she said and I nodded my head.

I walked into the lounge and picked up her phone that was resting on the arm chair. I took a seat and rested my feet on the coffee table. I've been up on my feet for the past two hours, I deserve a little break.

I typed in her code and went into her messages. I looked at the top of the list and saw Sweet Pea's name.

"See you in about five love" he texted her making me smile. They're so cute together and are going to make each other so happy.

As I was about to turn off her phone when a message at the top of the screen popped up.

James: please let's just meet up and discuss us.....

A confused look formed on my face. I have never heard of her mention a James and I practically know everything about her.

This message sounded way to sketchy for my liking so I clicked on it.

James' message read "please let's just meet up and discuss us. you love me, not him"

In the messages between them, there were no previous messages, indicating that she had deleted them.

"How far is he?" She asked as she walked through the door.

"Who is James?" I asked her and I watched as her face dropped.

"What?" She asked.

"I asked you Anna, who is James?" I asked her sternly.

"He's just an old friend, we went to high school together" she said.

"Then how are you going to explain the way your face dropped?" I asked her.

I'll bring the actual contents of the texts up in a minute, I just want to see how long she'll lie to me for.

"Just a name I haven't heard in awhile" she smiled.

"Okay" I chuckled with a smile.

She smiled too as she walked up to me and I gave her back her phone. I made sure to leave it on his message. She took it out of my hands and she looked down at it, reading his message.

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