Betty x Sweet Pea

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have low expectations for this one haha

Betty POV:

Betty: Sweet Pea, please. I begged him for the last time. No response.

His fling, Josie McCoy, broke things off with him but he had unfortunately caught real feelings for her.

She dropped him like he was nothing and then the next day she came here, asking him if he wanted to go to a wedding as her date. She gave him hope that was a complete lie.

I let out a sigh as I went back and sat on the couch. He's locked himself in his room for the past week. He only leaves occasionally to get some food and then back into his room. It doesn't help that he has a bathroom connected to his room.

I've gotten to the point where I've been googling how to get someone out of their room. I've tried everything now.

I picked up my computer and clicked a backspace, returning back to my original question 'how to get someone who is heartbroken out of their room'.

In the suggested search area, it came up with 'how to get a bear out of your house'. Out of curiosity, I clicked the suggestion and pressed on the first link that showed up.

The first points that the website suggested were to call the authorities and to remove yourself from the dangerous situation.

I mean I could call Fp, god knows how an ex criminal is the sheriff. But what would I say? Hey Fp, giant over here won't leave his room, can you like shoot him or something?

I scrolled down to the bottom of the page and saw that you could try blowing the smell of food in their direction and lead them out of the house like that.

I thought I may as well try this. Sweet Pea is pretty food motivated.

I ordered a pizza and as soon as it came, I walked into the kitchen. I put a single slice on a plate and placed it in front of his door.

I then held the box of pizza as I wafted my hand towards his room.

Within a minute, he opened the door and I quickly closed the box of pizza.

I can't believe this is how I got him out of his room. This damn bear.

Betty: eat. I said.

He picked up the plate from the ground and then reached for the pizza box I was holding. I quickly pulled it towards me and he rolled his eyes.

Betty: lounge. I said.

I walked into the lounge and took a seat on the couch. He soon came to and took a seat on the other end.

I placed the pizza next to him and we sat in silence as he ate.

If all I accomplish today was that he was out of his room and eating a decent amount, I'd be happy. Any progress is good progress.

He soon finished eating and was about to get up but I spoke up.

Betty: please stay out here with me. I said. He turned his head to face me and gave me a small nod.
Sweet Pea: I'm sorry for this past week. He said. I let out a sigh as I moved closer to him and wrapped my arms around him.
Betty: don't apologise. I said.

We stayed in this position for about five minutes before I decided to speak up again.

Betty: you were too good for her anyway. I said. He shrugged his shoulders.
Betty: you'll find someone PeaPod. I said as my head rested on his chest.
Sweet Pea: I doubt it. He said and I looked up to him.
Betty: dude, you're literally the nicest guy I've ever met. Any girl that gets to have you is lucky. I said.

Honestly, Sweet Pea and I have been friends for a really, really long time. There was a point where I did have a bit of a crush on him. Over time I just pushed it to the back of my head so that it didn't ruin our friendship.

Sweet Pea: sure. He said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes at him.
Betty: you're perfect and you know it. I said.
Sweet Pea: Betts you're perfect, I'm not. I pretended to throw up, making him chuckle.


It's been a week since he finally came out of his room and he's been a lot better. I can also tell that his mental health has improved.

Since that week though, we have been attached to the hip, even more than usual.

These feelings I have for him have definitely come back up and I'm not really sure what to do.

It was around 1 am and I couldn't fall asleep so I texted Sweet Pea, seeing if he was up.

'you awake?' I messaged him. Almost instantly he messaged saying 'yep, come to my room?' He asked. 'Yep :)' I sent and then walked down to his room.

He moved to the side of his bed and moved the blankets, giving me space.

I laid down next to him and he wrapped the blankets around me. I smiled as I rested comfortably beside him.

Sweet Pea: how come you can't sleep? He asked softly.
Betty: a lot on my mind I guess. I said as I shrugged my shoulders.
Betty: what about you? I asked him.
Sweet Pea: not tired. He said making me chuckle.
Sweet Pea: what's on your mind? He asked softly.
Betty: it's nothing. I said.
Sweet Pea: oh come on, tell me. He said.
Betty: nope. I said.
Sweet Pea: well I'll take an educated guess here and say you're thinking about some guy because that's the only time you ever loose sleep. He smirked and I chuckled.
Betty: you're correct. I said. He raised an eyebrow.
Sweet Pea: what dickhead is going to take you away from me? He asked.

Sweet Pea really didn't like my last boyfriend, Jughead Jones.

Sweet Pea said that he never made a good impression on him and that Jughead would always steal me away from him. But I mean, Jughead did end up breaking up with me as soon as I expressed interest in getting to know him more.

Betty: well the guy I like isn't a dickhead. I said.
Sweet Pea: Betty, you have a terrible taste in men. First you have a crush on Archie, do I even need to begin with that loser? Then Jughead. Oh my god. He said dramatically making me laugh.
Betty: this guy is different. He's really nice, caring, always looks after me- I started but he interrupted me.
Sweet Pea: hold the fuck up. Who the hell are you hanging out with that treats you like that but me? He asked. I blushed.
Sweet Pea: who! He said jealousy.
Betty: you jealous angel? I teased him.
Sweet Pea: yes. He said bitterly. I smiled.

I decided to just come out with it. If he doesn't end up liking me back, I will get over it. Because having him as my friend is still very important to me.

Betty: Sweet Pea, I really like you. I said. His face grew to confusion but a blush formed on his cheeks.
Sweet Pea: I like you too Betty. I smiled widely as I wrapped my arms around him and held him tight.
Sweet Pea: you don't know how cute you are. He said making me blush.

He wrapped his arms around me and held me tight to him.

Idek tbh

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