Betty x Sweet Pea

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tw maybe?: mentions of emotionally abusive fathers.
also can you guys pleaseeeee, vote and comment. I would really appreciate it x

Betty POV:

I laid in my bed as I let out a sigh. I had just gotten into an argument with Fp, my boyfriend Sweet Pea's dad, because he thinks I'm not focusing enough on school since I moved in.

I've moved into Fp's house about two months ago, but I've been staying here for over a year.

He's the dad figure I always wanted and looked up to.

I stayed in Sweet Pea and I's room for the next hour as I gave in to self pity.

Sweet Pea soon came home and I instantly embraced him in a tight hug.

Sweet Pea: what's wrong babe? He asked and I spilled everything to him.

I told him about the argument and how bad I felt.

Sweet Pea: bubs don't worry about it. Him and I fight like at least five times a day. You're still his favourite child. He chuckled.
Betty: yeah but now he won't speak to me. I sighed.
Sweet Pea: what do you mean? He asked confusedly.
Betty: whenever me and my dad got into a fight or argument he would stop talking to me for a few weeks and then just randomly start talking to me when he wanted to, acting like nothing happened. I said and he turned to me with the saddest look.
Sweet Pea: Betty. He said as he took a seat next to me and pulled my hands into his.
Sweet Pea: that's not how my dad does things. In fact, that's not how any normal person does it. He was being emotionally abusive towards you. I just shrugged my shoulders.
Sweet Pea: fuck. He whispered.

Sweet Pea finished getting changed and he wanted to take me out to talk to Fp, although I was really nervous.

Whenever my dad chose not to talk to me, I tried to avoid him at all costs.

We walked into the kitchen where Fp was and he turned to face Sweet Pea and I.

Fp: hey, I know things got a little heated earlier but I know you're a smart girl and I just want to see you do well. He said with a soft smile.

I looked to Sweet Pea, this was all very weird for me.

Sweet Pea: babe, can you go annoy James for a bit? He asked and I nodded my head, avoiding this situation.

Sweet Pea POV:

I watched as Betty left and then I turned back to my dad.

Fp: is she okay? He asked confusedly. I shook my head no.
Sweet Pea: I just found out something really fucked up. I said to my dad.
Fp: what? He asked.
Sweet Pea: whenever Betty and her dad had an argument or whatever, he would stop talking to her for a couple weeks. My dad gave me such a horrified and concerned look.
Fp: you're kidding me? He said. I shook my head.
Sweet Pea: that's why she's been in our room since you guys last spoke. She thought you'd do the same thing to her. I said.
Fp: that poor kid. He said and I nodded my head.
Sweet Pea: it feels like as soon as we make progress with her, she drops another bombshell like that. I said as I shook my head.
Fp: for someone who's been through the amount of abuse she's been through, she sure hides it well. I nodded my head disappointedly.
Sweet Pea: can you be extra extra nice to her tonight? I'm really worried about her dad.
Fp: yeah of course, and so am I. He said.

I soon wrapped up our conversation and headed into my brothers room. Betty was sitting on his bed as she watched James play Minecraft.

I took a seat on his bed and pulled her into my lap.

Betty: is he mad at me? She asked.
Sweet Pea: of course not and he never will. I said softly as I kissed her head. She gave me a hesitant look.

Such a beautiful angel, she doesn't deserve the mother and father she was given.

They're truly horrible people. People who should never have had kids.

We soon heard my dad call out that dinner was ready so we all walked into the kitchen.

We ate dinner and I could tell that Betty was a little hesitant in talking so I thought of conversation topics where she had to talk.

By the end of dinner, I could see that she was thankfully doing better. My beautiful angel.

Dad made me and my brother do the cleaning up while he and Betty went into the lounge.

I could see from the kitchen that my dad had his arm wrapped around her shoulders and her head was resting on his shoulder.

I was really glad that she wasn't letting the way her dad treated her affect how she interacts with mine.

My dad and Betty have always had a really close relationship, practically since her and I got together. I know she looks up to him.

Once James and I were done, we joined them in the lounge.

I took a seat next to Betty and watched as she was about to move closer to me.

Sweet Pea: stay there. I said as I gave her a soft smile.

She returned the smile as she rested her head back on my dad's shoulder.


It was later in the evening and Betty and I called it a night.

We were laying in our bed as I cuddled her tight to me, placing kisses all over her head and face. She smiled as she embraced all of my love.

Sweet Pea: you're so important to me and my family Betty, never forget that. I said.

I watched as she looked to me with a blush.

Sweet Pea: you're so so so important Princess. I said and she hid her face.
Sweet Pea: hey, look at me. I said softly.

She slightly lifted her head so that one of her eyes was peaking out of the pillow.

Sweet Pea: more. I chuckled.

This time she revealed her whole face to me. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her on top of my chest.

Sweet Pea: everything that happened with Hal and Alice, that's over. It's not going to happen here.
Betty: thank you. She whispered as she looked into my eyes.
Sweet Pea: there's not one thing you need to thank me for my love.


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