Betty x Sweet Pea

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thank you for still being here <3

Betty POV:

I sat in my room as I began doing some of my business homework.

I opened up my textbook and set up my page. I began writing out the questions when I heard someone knock on my door.

Betty: come in. I said.

As I had finished my sentence, Sweet Pea walked into my room.

I live with Sweet Pea and his mother, Angie. I've been living with them for the past two years and Sweet Pea and I have been together for three years.

Two years ago, my family really fell apart.

My mum caught my dad cheating and he left. Mum started to become a drunk and abusive.

One day Sweet Pea saw a bruise on my arm and that's where I completely came undone to him.

He held me tight in his arms as he whispered to me how things were going to change from now on.

He told his mum about the situation and she immediately told me that I would be moving in with them.

Angie is the most amazing person. She's also been so sweet and caring of me. Sweet Pea is really lucky to have her as his mum.

Betty: Hey bubba. I smiled.
Sweet Pea: hey. He sighed as he sat on my bed.
Betty: what's up hun? I asked as I turned to face him.
Sweet Pea: Mum said we have to get flu shots tomorrow. He said as he looked to me with sad eyes.

My poor angel has a fear of needles. As soon as he sees one, he passes out. He can't even watch shows that involve needles.

Betty: baby you'll be fine. I'll be there with you. I moved myself into his lap and kissed his cheek.
Sweet Pea: baby. He groaned.
Betty: come on bub. I know it's scary but this is good for our health. You don't want to get sick. I said as I ran my hand through his hair.
Sweet Pea: I want to get sick. He said. I let out a small chuckle.
Betty: that means no more kisses. I said.
Sweet Pea: I love your kisses but I think I could survive without them for a week. I smiled as I kissed his cheek.
Betty: such a sweet boy. I said.
Sweet Pea: tell her we can't go. He said.
Betty: no. I chuckled.

As I said that, Angie walked into my room as she shook her head playfully.

Angie: I guess you've heard the news. She smiled. I nodded my head.
Angie: hunny, I just want you to stay healthy. She said as she sat next to us.
Sweet Pea: but can't we do this another way? He asked.
Angie: unfortunately no. She said as she rubbed his shoulder.

He let out a groan as he rested his head on my shoulder.

Angie: make sure you get good rest tonight, okay? She said to him. He nodded his head in my shoulder.
Angie: I'll leave you guys too it. She smiled softly.

She left the room and Sweet Pea looked to me again.

Sweet Pea: can I stay with you while you do your homework? I don't want to be alone. He said.
Betty: of course bubs, you know you're always welcome to come and distract me. He managed to form a small smile on his beautiful face.

We soon moved into my chair and I began doing my work.

I sat in his lap as he held me tight and rested his head on my shoulder.

He was quiet the whole time as I finished off my homework.

It took me about an hour and I was finally done, meaning I could spend the rest of the night focusing on Sweet Pea.

We went into Sweet Pea's room and we cuddled under the covers.

We had the tv going in the background as we talked.

Sweet Pea: lets run away. He said. I raised an eyebrow.
Betty: you can't be serious. I laughed.
Sweet Pea: oh I'm not joking. He said.
Betty: well I happen to like it here. I chuckled.
Sweet Pea: fine, I'll just go by myself. He said.
Betty: you're a mummy's boy. You're not going anywhere. I smirked.
Sweet Pea: shut up. He mumbled.
Betty: just stop thinking about tomorrow.
Sweet Pea: I can't Betty. He said seriously.
Betty: well I can think of something. I said as I bit my lip.

His head instantly popped up and he smirked as he scanned my body.

Sweet Pea: sex while my mum is home? Didn't expect that from you. He smirked as he went to pull down my tank top. I rolled my eyes.
Betty: I wasn't implying sex. I said. His jaw dropped.
Sweet Pea: then what the hell did you mean? He asked.
Betty: kisses. I said.
Sweet Pea: kisses where? His smirk once again returning to his face.
Betty: anywhere you want. I said.
Sweet Pea: everywhere I want? I nodded my head.

He smirked as he began kissing all over my body.

I get my boyfriend to worship my body as I also help distract him, perfect.


We were now at the doctors and I was sitting in the chair as I waited for the lady to give me my shot.

Nurse: are you both okay with needles? She asked, both Sweet Pea and I turned to his mum. She rolled her eyes playfully.
Angie: she's fine, he's going to faint as soon as he sees it or feels it. She said.
Nurse: okay, in that case can you take a seat next to her? She asked Sweet Pea and he did as she said.

She put everything she needed into a small pan and brought it over.

Nurse: you can look away for now. She said to Sweet Pea.

She told me to pull up my sleeve and in no time she had given me the shot.

I honestly barely felt it go in, it hurts more afterwards. But still, it wasn't as bad as I thought.

Nurse: now your turn. She smiled.

I looked to Sweet Pea and he was already extremely pale.

I took my hand to his and we connected hands.

Betty: you'll be okay. I smiled as I kissed his cheek.

He wasn't, he really wasn't. But I wanted to do whatever I could do make him feel better.

Nurse: sleeve up. She said softly to him.

He did as she said, and within about twenty seconds his head fell onto my shoulder. He had fainted.

I smiled softly as I ran my hand through his hair.

Nurse: has he been like this since a kid or has something triggered it? She asked as she cleaned up her station.
Angie: since he was a kid. She said.

He soon opened his eyes and they gave him some water.

Nurse: we suggest that you guys wait in the waiting room for ten minutes, just to make sure you're not experiencing any side affects.

We waited in the waiting room where it was just us three.

Sweet Pea layed his head on my lap as I ran my hand through his hair.

Angie got a call she had to answer so she went outside.

Sweet Pea: you know, I've been very brave today. He said.
Betty: yes you have baby, I'm proud of you. I smiled.
Sweet Pea: can you show me how proud you are with sex? He asked.
Betty: really? I asked.
Sweet Pea: we haven't had sex in a month and my mums not going to be home for a few hours tonight. Please. He said.
Betty: fine. I chuckled.
Sweet Pea: I love you. He smiled.
Betty: I love you too.


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