Betty x Sweet Pea

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Sit back and relax. Although this one shot is 📉📈

Betty POV:

"If I were you I'd change my clothes or Fp will instantly know" I said as I closed the car door and walked inside.

About a month ago, out of no where Sweet Pea's mother decided to show up. She told Sweet Pea and his older brother that she wanted them to move to Ohio with her.

She left their lives when Sweet Pea was a couple months old and his older brother, Ethan, was one years old. Neither of her kids know who she is and most certainly don't see her as their mother.

She left after figuring out that neither of the boys were even going to consider going with her. But ever since, Sweet Pea has been extremely off. I don't blame him either. But the problem is he won't talk about it to anyone. So now he's beginning to act out of character and do really, really stupid things.

Tonight we went to some South Side party. He wanted to go and I decided why not. Maybe he'd loosen up a little bit and decide to tell me what's bothering him so I could somehow fix the problem. Instead of anything positive coming from the night, I found him smoking weed.

Sweet Pea in his right mind would never do that. I told him to stop and he laughed and told me to relax.

After he was finally done, I told him we were going home. He rolled his eyes and told me to stop being so up tight and controlling. We got into an argument and didn't speak a word to each other on the way home.

I want to help Sweet Pea but he won't let a single person in.

I walked inside and locked the doors behind me. I walked upstairs and could hear the sound of my brother, Tyler and Sweet Pea's older brother, Ethan, yelling. They were probably playing some video game.

I walked into my brothers room and as I had suspected, they were playing a video game on his tv. I leant against his doorframe as they both looked to me.

"Hey, how was your night?" Tyler asked me.

"Shit" I said and watched as Ethan frowned.

"Because of Sweet Pea?" He asked me and I nodded my head.

"Something seriously needs to change with him" I said and they both nodded their heads.

"Dad and I have tried everything to talk to him and he won't give us the time of day" Ethan said and I sighed.

"Something needs to change quick though, because he is really acting out and I know if this continues he's going to get himself into a really bad situation" I said.

"I honestly think you have to do it, he'll straight up just ignore me and dad" Ethan said.

"He doesn't ignore me but he hasn't got a problem calling me controlling and up tight" I said.

"Don't take it to heart Betts" Ethan told me and I nodded my head.

"I know, this situation is just frustrating" I said and I watched as my brothers eyebrows suddenly furrowed.

"Why the fuck do you smell like weed?" He asked.

I'm not surprised I do. I've been sat next to Sweet Pea for the past twenty minutes and the house where the party was spelled like weed.

"Loads of people were smoking weed" I said.

"Neither you and Sweet Pea did it, right?" Tyler asked me seriously and I nodded my head.

I'm not going to snitch on Sweet Pea because that's going to cause more problems than it's worth.

"I'm going to call it a night" I said and they each told me a good night.

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