Betty x Sweet Pea

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it's kinda depressing at the beginning and there may be a few triggers (mentions of ed) so if this may be something that will cause you distress, maybe skip this one x

BUT!!! It was my birthday yesterday and I forgot to post this ugh!

Betty POV:

My sister lives on the other side of the world. My mother ran away with some guy who was verbally abusive towards me and who was addicted to drugs, no doubt in my mind that my mother too was beginning to get addicted. My dad left me when I was five and remarried some other woman. My boyfriend, or now ex, told me he still had feelings for his ex girlfriend.

I guess that could explain why I've been crying for the past hour. I just can't take this pain any longer. I want everything to stop hurting.

My best friend since before I can remember was rubbing my back as I cried into his lap.

He didn't say anything as he just kept rubbing my back, comforting me through his actions rather than his words.

It wasn't for at least another hour until I spoke.

Betty: I can't do this anymore. I said, not looking up to face him.
Sweet Pea: Betts, she's gone now. I know there's the aspect that she's your mum but she has never been your mum or what you deserve. Think of this as a new chance. I said.
Betty: I have no one. I said.
Sweet Pea: you have Polly and Jason- he started but I cut him off.
Betty: they live on the other side of the world. I see them once a year at most. I held back tears.
Sweet Pea: you also have me and my dad. But I'm totally better. I'm amazing. Perfect. Handsome-
Betty: ugly. I said.
Sweet Pea: you did not just call me ugly, monkey. He said as he tickled my side.

I squirmed in his embrace before he soon stopped tickling me.

I had now moved so that I was sitting up and cuddling into Sweet Pea.

Sweet Pea: things will get better. He said softly, kissing my head.

I missed his head and forehead kisses.

When I got together with my now ex, Jughead, Sweet Pea stopped giving me affection like that. Which I of course understand and respect him for doing, but I missed it. I wish I never got into that relationship with Jughead. The biggest waste and heartbreak of my life.

Betty: again. I said.

He gave me a soft smile as he placed a kiss on my forehead and then another on my head.

I smiled as I cuddled tighter into him.

Sweet Pea: you feeling a little better? He asked softly.
Betty: a little I guess. He nodded his head.
Sweet Pea: now I need to ask, have you been eating much recently? He asked.

A few years ago I suffered with an ed. I got professional help once Sweet Pea realised what was going on and after a lot of time and hard effort, I got back on the right track.

But now, after everything going on and how stressful everything has been on me, I know I'm slipping back into my old habits.

Betty: no. I said honestly.
Sweet Pea: well let's go downstairs and see what there is. He said as he pulled me up.

We walked downstairs and he picked me up and sat me on the bench besides the fridge.

Sweet Pea: sandwich? He asked, I nodded my head.

I watched as he made me the sandwich and then placed it onto the kitchen table.

I jumped off of the bench and took a seat at the table next to Sweet Pea.

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