Betty x Malachai

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Enjoy angels x
also, trigger warning so keep that in mind when reading xxx

Malachai POV:

My Ghoulies and I rocked up to some lame North Side party ran by Cheryl Blossom. She's supposed to be the boss of Riverdale High but her personality is even blander than her attire.

We made our way through her house and everyone spilt up in different directions, I'm assuming to find alcohol or someone to fuck. It really shocked me how horny North Siders are.

The Ghoulies were transferred to Riverdale High about three months ago.

I looked around the place and found some alcohol, the only way I could get through this lame party.

North Siders don't party the way we do.

I looked around me and saw Archie Andrews and his girlfriend Betty talking and drinking whatever was in their red cups.

Betty: I'm going to the bathroom, could you hold this? I heard her ask Archie.
Archie: of course. He smiled as he took it from her small hands.

She walked off as I watched Archie look from side to side. I wonder what he's doing?

I unfortunately have some history with Andrews and his girl.

Archie Andrews and his hound football friends created their own little gang. To this day I still don't get what they were trying to achieve.

They called themselves the 'Red Circle'. Even the name is terrible.

But anyway, they kept trying to fight us Ghoulies. Despite what people think and say about us, we're a family.

Yes we're a gang, but our intentions are not to hurt anyone, unless tested.

All of the Ghoulie members are people who grew up in an unstable home, no parents, people who had to worry about where they were going to sleep or how they were going to eat.

The Ghoulies are good people. Yes, sometimes they slip up and do stupid things, but who was there to teach them that it was wrong?

It sucks that we have such a terrible reputation, especially compared to the Serpents. Now, they're really the definition of low life's.

They kill people like it's nothing. They don't even respect their female members. For a female to get into the Serpents, she would have to strip in front of the whole gang.

That is absolutely disgusting and humiliating.

The Serpents are the weeds that need to be kicked off of the South Side.

I let out a sigh, I was at a party yet still getting this worked up over those stupid snakes.

I looked back to Archie. His back was slightly facing me as I saw him press his fingers together tightly over Betty's drink. I watched as some white powder fell into her drink.

He then looked around him as he swirled the cup, mixing in whatever he had just put in it.

He's going to try and assault her. I can't believe it.

Betty has saved his ass on numerous occasions, and this is how he thanks her?

He's shown up at my bar on multiple occasions, aiming at starting a fight with us.

The Ghoulies won't touch them unless they start it, and Archie knows it.

We're going up against North Siders and the only police station in town is on the North Side. We don't stand a chance.

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