Betty x Sweet Pea

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It's a long one, enjoy x

Betty POV:

I let out a sigh and stood up straight as I walked into my shared office with my boss.

I held divorce papers in my hand as I stood in front of his desk. He looked up to me as he leaned back in his chair.

Sweet Pea: what's that? He asked as he raised an eyebrow.
Betty: pro Bono. I said. He let out a massive groan.
Sweet Pea: you know I don't do that Betty. He chuckled.
Betty: it's personal. I said.
Sweet Pea: still no. I've already done one this year and that's all I need. He said.
Betty: and I said this was personal. I do a hell of a lot for you. I said.
Sweet Pea: that's what I pay you for. He said.
Betty: first of all, you don't pay me. Secondly, I do a lot more for you than what I get payed for. I said sternly.
Sweet Pea: my time is money, Elizabeth. He said.
Betty: Jessica wants to see you now. I said as I walked over to my desk.

He got up and walked out. Jessica is his boss.

As soon as I heard the door close, I let out a sigh.

That bloody dick. I have been friends with him for the past 15 years and I have never once asked him for anything. The only time I do, he says no. How unbelievable.

I guess I should have expected this from him. He's known to be an asshole, emotionless. All he has ever cared about is himself. He's a ruthless jerk.

I put the divorce papers into my draw and slammed it shut.

My husband Jughead and I are getting a divorce. He is similar to Sweet Pea, a ruthless, cruel, inconsiderate asshole.

My soon to be ex husband has decided that he's trying to take away all my assets. He's a judge and wants to make sure he maintains his fair and right reputation.

In reality, he's been cheating on me. Now that I've found out, he's filing for divorce as well as trying to take everything away from me.

That is why I asked Sweet Pea for his help. He's someone I trusted, he's also a phenomenal lawyer. I guess he's no help.

I was about to consider my next plan of approach when I heard my phone go off.

I left the situation there for now while I went to work.


It was later in the day. Sweet Pea and I were both in our office doing our work.

As I was writing up his calendar for the next week, I decided on the next step.

I got up and walked out of our office and into David's, Sweet Pea's biggest threat.

He's a great lawyer, as great as Sweet Pea.

I knocked on his door and he looked up from his desk. He ushered me into his office and I walked in, taking a seat opposite him.

David: what dirty work has Sweet Pea got you doing now? He sighed as he looked up at me.

David and Sweet Pea truly hate one another.

Betty: actually, it's personal. I said. He raised an eyebrow.
David: then, continue. He smiled.
Betty: I have a case I would like you to do, pro Bono. I said. He furrowed his eyebrows.
David: how personal is this? He asked.
Betty: very. I said.
David: hand me the case. He said.

I placed the files in his hand and he looked over them for a brief moment.

David: why aren't you using Sweet Pea as your lawyer? He asked as he placed the files on his desk.
Betty: he completely blew me off. I said.
David: after everything you've done for him? You know, I'd be more than happy having two secretaries. He smiled.
Betty: I'll think about it if you think about being my lawyer. I said to him.
David: you have yourself a deal. He smiled.
Betty: thank you. I said.

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