Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

Betty: Pea give me the last slice. I said with a pouty face.
Sweet Pea: mine. He said as he took the last slice of pizza and took a bite.
Betty: you bitch! I yelled at him.
Sweet Pea: language. He warned me.
Betty: language. I mocked him.
Sweet Pea: what happened to my sweet innocent little sister who use to admire her brother? He sighed.
Betty: I found out he was mean. I said.
Sweet Pea: oh, is that so? He said as he began to tickle me.

Betty: pea please no. I said in between breaths.

I was rolling all over the couch as I tried to kick and push him off of me.

Sweet Pea: apologise now. He said.
Betty: I'm sorry Pea, I didn't mean it. I said and he stopped.
Sweet Pea: that wasn't so hard now, was it? He smirked. I rolled my eyes.

We went back to watching tv when about half an hour later we heard loud banging on the door.

I turned to Sweet Pea and gave him a scared look. He smiled softly.

Sweet Pea: hey, it's okay. He said as he got up.

He opened the door and a bunch of policemen and woman come storming in.

I looked in fear as they instantly pushed Sweet Pea to the ground. He was trying to fight them off him but there was about 6 of them pinning him to the ground.

Betty: get off of him. I yelled as I ran up to him.
Officer: you need to stand back. He warned me as he tried pushing me way.
Sweet Pea: don't fucking touch her. He yelled at the guy, earning a hit to the back with a baton.
Betty: stop. I sobbed out.

With in a flash, they had put Sweet Pea into the back of their van and taken him away from me.

I was shaking as I picked up my phone and called Fangs. I told him what happened and he told me he was on his way.

I found my way to the couch as I sobbed hysterically.

I mean what had even happened? Why did they take him?

Fangs soon arrived and he calmed me down. He also called over Toni.

I could tell they were hiding something from me and I wasn't having it.

Betty: tell me what you're holding back from me. I said as I wiped my eyes.
Toni: nothing B. She said as she rubbed my back.

I rolled my eyes and stood up.

Betty: tell me now. I said sternly.
Fangs: we can't. He said.
Betty: then get out of my house. I said angrily.
Toni: Betty you shouldn't be alone right now. She said softly.
Betty: yeah, you're right. But I also shouldn't be around people who don't tell me the truth. I said.
Fangs: Sweet Pea wouldn't want us to tell you. He said.
Betty: well my brother was ripped out of this house not even 30 minutes ago by six police officers. I deserve to know why. I said.
Toni: Betts- she sighed but I stopped her.
Betty: I want you both to leave now. I said.

I stormed off to my room and slammed the door.

How could they not tell me?

I have no idea what's happening to my brother, if he's safe, if he's been hurt, why he's even been taken away.

I got into bed as I tried to hold back more tears.

I just want to know what's going on.


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