Betty x Sweet Pea

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this was going to have a part 2, then I realised. I can't be fucked. Sooo enjoy and don't ask for another part 😂

Sweet Pea POV:

I was getting ready in my room for my sons parent teacher interviews. This must be how my dad felt when I had parent teacher interviews, knowing that my teachers were going to talk shit.

I walked into the lounge where I saw my son laying on the couch, scrolling through his phone.

Sweet Pea: give me a run down, what are your teachers names and what do they teach. I said.
Jackson: Mrs. Smith is science, she's a bitch. Mr. Erickson, sport teacher-
Sweet Pea: oh fuck, not that asshole. I groaned.
Jackson: I'm pretty sure he hates me because of you. He said.
Jackson: anyway, Mr. lee, geography, he once called me bipolar because one lesson I was giving him shit for making us do arts and craft, then the next lesson I was nice. He's a dick. Art teacher, Mrs. Robins, she's a serial hippie who hates everything to do with the Serpents so you're really in luck. Then my favourite teacher is Miss Cooper, my English teacher. He said and I furrowed my eyebrows.
Sweet Pea: first name? I asked.
Jackson: Elizabeth. You know, she said I have potential. He said.
Sweet Pea: that's every teacher's way of calling you stupid and oh shit. I said.
Jackson: no, she means it. And what's the, oh shit for? He asked as he sat up.
Sweet Pea: nothing, we're running late. I said as we walked to my car.

We got into my car and Jackson was on his phone the whole time. Which gave me the time to think about what it's going to be like to see Betty again.

Betty and I dated for five years when we were younger. We broke up due to a few reasons, well, one reason that created many other problems.

The problem started with Betty's parents. They hated that we were together. Which meant that we'd barely spend anytime together. This lack of time together made me frustrated. I wasn't use to having a controlling parent, I was use to doing what I want when I wanted. This caused us to fight and we eventually broke up.

After everything blew up between Betty and I, I moved towns for three years.

That first year, I was extremely reckless and slept around a lot.

My last year there I actually ended up thinking that I had fallen in love with a girl.

She got pregnant very quickly into our relationship. We agreed to keep it, Jackson, and we made lots of plans together.

The first night we took him home, she left during the night. She changed her number and her parents wouldn't have a word of what I had to say.

I knew nothing in that town so I came back to Riverdale, the South Side, where I belong.

I still think about Betty every now and then, wondering what we could have been if things were different. If Betty's parents weren't there to create problems between us.

We arrived at his school and as soon as the principal saw me, I could see the trauma I caused him glaze over his eyes.

Mr. Honey: father like son. He said as he walked past me.
Sweet Pea: exactly, we both carry guns. I said with a smirk.

We walked past him and turned down a corner to his science class.

Jackson: you're the reason all my teachers hate me. He said as he looked up at me.
Sweet Pea: you're just as unbearable of a kid as I was when I was your age. He looked up to me as he scrunched his eyes. I gave him a cocky smile.
Jackson: it makes me sad that I'm like you. He said.
Sweet Pea: you should be proud to be like me. I said. He raised an eyebrow.

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