Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

I had just finished throwing up and I crawled back into bed, moving myself into Sweet Pea's open arms. He gave me a sympathetic look as he wrapped his arms gently around me and kissed my forehead. I let out a groan as I closed my eyes.

"I don't feel well" I groaned out as I opened my eyes and looked up into his.

"I know my sweet angel" he said softly as he pushed my hair behind my ears, and again, dropped a kiss to my forehead.

We stayed in our room for another half an hour, until Sweet Pea decided we should get up and that I needed to eat something, even if its just a little.

'No" I groaned out as he got up and walked to my side of the bed.

"Bubs, you need to eat" he said as he picked up one of my hands and pulled me up.

"No" I groaned out again as I was now standing up.

He smiled gently as he wrapped his arm around me and lead us into the kitchen, where his dad and brother were eating breakfast.

"You okay darling?" Fp asked with a worried look as he scanned over my face. I shook my head no.

"She's been throwing up all morning and was barely able to sleep. She has the flu" Sweet Pea spoke for me since he knew I didn't have the energy too.

He pulled out a chair for me and I took a seat. I crossed my arms over the table and rested my head on my arms.

"Well you're definitely not going to school today" I let out a groan.

As much as I do agree that I need the day off, as well as want too, I'll miss out on so much information. I'm in my last year of high school and taking days off are the last thing I want to do. Everything is so fast paced and we have so little time, there's no time to take breaks.

"Betty, do you think you can function like this?" he asked softly.

"Yes" I mumbled and he let out a chuckle.

Sweet Pea sat next to me as he placed the plate in the middle between us. He looked to me and raised an eyebrow, telling me he wanted to at least try and eat some. I rolled my eyes at him as I sat up and picked up a piece of toast, taking a small bite which was enough for Sweet Pea to stop watching me like a hawk.

"sick, or pregnant?" Tyler, Sweet Pea's brother said with a smirk.

"I'm not pregnant" I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Ten bucks says you are" He smirked, wanting to start a bet over the fact that he thinks I'm pregnant.

"Seriously?" Fp said as he raised an eyebrow at Tyler.

"Make it ten grand and you have a deal" Sweet Pea said. I looked to him and gave him an annoyed look for even entertaining this idea.

"You two don't have ten grand between you" He chucked as he drank his glass of orange juice.

"I'll rob a bank" Sweet Pea said as he rolled his eyes.

"God, I really hope neither of my kids reproduce" Fp said as he shook his head in disappointment.

"If it makes you feel any better, I don't want kids" I said and he turned to face me.

"It does darling, it really does" He said, making me smile for the first time this morning.

"Anyway, deal or no deal?" Sweet Pea asked his brother as he held out his hand over the table.

"Deal" Tyler smirked as the brothers shook hands.

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