Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

I had just come home from a work dinner and I was glad to be home with my two daughters and best friend Sweet Pea.

My best friend Sweet Pea lives with us due to some shitty circumstances that had happened to him.

He recently bought an apartment with his girlfriend. He caught her cheating one day but because the apartment was in her name, she was able to kick him out. He was left with not much and very little money.

I obviously took him in and he's been trying to find a job.

I locked the door as I entered my house and took off my shoes.

I walked down the hall and saw that my daughter Ella, her light was on.

She should have been in bed half an hour ago.

I walked into her room and saw Ella on the left of her bed, Sweet Pea in the middle and Chloe, my youngest, on the right.

Betty: what are you two doing up? I asked as I raised an eyebrow.
Chloe: Sweet Pea said we could. She told me. I looked to him.
Betty: oh, is that so? I said.
Sweet Pea: Betty, your kids scare me. He said. I rolled my eyes playfully.
Betty: you two, bed now. I'll tuck you in. Sweet Pea, lounge. I said.

Chloe jumped out of Ella's bed and ran to her room. Sweet Pea saluted me and walked out.

I walked over to Ella and tucked her in.

Betty: sleep tight my angel. I said as I kissed her head.
Ella: good night mum. She smiled.

I walked out of her room and turned off her light.

I walked into Chloe's room and repeated what I did with Ella.

I walked into the lounge and saw Sweet Pea sitting down. 

I layed down next to him and rested my head in his lap.

There's been a certain tension between Sweet Pea and I recently. Love, type of tension.

I'm starting to develop really strong feelings for him, and I think he feels the same.

I want someone like him in my life, my daughters life.

He makes the three of us happy and that's all that I could ever ask for.

Sweet Pea: how was your night? He asked as he ran his hand through my hair.

The scene playing out before me made me feel like we were married.

I use to be engaged to a man named David, he unfortunately started drinking and it wasn't a safe environment for my girls.

I told him that he needs to change or that I would leave.

The next night he came more hammered than ever and I packed my stuff as well as the girls.

My girls come first before any man.

Betty: it was good. I smiled.
Betty: how were the girls? I asked.
Sweet Pea: their usual devil selves. He said making me laugh.

We remained in a peaceful silence for a little while. Just enjoying each other's company.

Betty: Sweet Pea. I said, gaining his attention.
Betty: what's going on between us? I asked him.
Sweet Pea: I like you. He admitted to me.
Betty: I like you too. I smiled.
Sweet Pea: so what does this mean? What are we? He asked me.
Betty: I'd like for us to be together. I smiled with a blush.
Sweet Pea: I'd liked that too. He said.
Betty: I think we shouldn't tell the girls for a while. It'll just make things complicated. He nodded his head agreeingly.

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