Betty x Sweet Pea

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Sweet Pea POV:

I laid in bed next to Betty as we looked into each other's eyes. The moment was so soft and beautiful, well, that's what I had thought.

She bursted into tears as she rolled over. A confused look instantly covered my face.

Sweet Pea: Princess what's wrong? I asked worriedly.

I held onto her hips and moved her so that she was facing me again.

We had been fine all evening so I have no idea what she's upset about.

I pulled her onto my chest and rubbed her back.

Sweet Pea: please Betty, tell me what's wrong. I pleaded.
Betty: I don't want us to end. She sobbed out. My heart broke.
Sweet Pea: we don't have too bubba, you know I care about you a lot and would love to stay together. I said as I kissed her head.

Betty and I started out as a summer fling. Whenever one of us were horny, the other was there to satisfy that need.

Over the few months, we began spending time together, like after sleeping together we'd grab dinner or I'd drive her home.

It's fair to say that over our time together, we've started to care a lot about each other.

Betty: I can't, my mother would genuinely kill me. She said as tears kept rolling down her cheek.
Sweet Pea: move in with me. I said.

It's absolutely heartbreaking to see how terrified Betty is of her mother. I think I should be thankful mine ditched me when I was a kid.

Betty: I can't leave my dad. She said. I sighed.

It's a really tough situation. I know Betty and her father have a close bond.

I wish I could do something.

Sweet Pea: okay Princess you need to calm down, take some deep breathes. I said softly.

She began to slowly calm down, managing to maintain slow and even breathes.

Her head rested on my chest as she slowly closed her eyes.

Sweet Pea: stay here tonight? I whispered. She nodded her head.

I stopped talking and watched as she instantly fell asleep.

I looked to her finally peaceful face and tried not to sigh. Instead, I gently ran my hand through her hair, I've learnt that she loves it.

I do truly feel sorry for Betty.

Her mother puts so much pressure on her, it's toxic and really killing Betty. Betty has to get straight A's or she's in a range of trouble that Betty won't even tell me. And Betty tells me that Alice treats Hal terribly too.

They're both being manipulated by her and they deserve better.

It just really hurts seeing the girl you love, sobbing over something that you can't fix but want too so badly.

I want Betty to be my girlfriend but I know it wouldn't be safe for her, because of her wicked mother.


Betty POV:

Sweet Pea and I were cuddling on the couch when I decided that I should probably head home.

I already know I'm going to get a lecture from mum when I get home.

A lot of these summer holidays I have spent at Sweet Pea's. I told mum that I was doing all nighters, studying at Veronica's, Kevin's and any other people I could think of. They were all in on it so I wouldn't ever be exposed, I'm sleeping with a South Sider.

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