Betty x Sweet Pea

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Sweet Pea with a degradation kink? If this flops, I don't know WHAT you besties will like. Enjoy!

Sweet Pea POV:

We locked eyes as she walked off staged. She was in a set of lingerie I have never seen before but it complimented her body so well. She looked to me as she encouraged me to follow her.

I smirked as I followed her to the back of the building. She now had my jacket wrapped around her which annoyed me. If she's in lingerie, I want to see it.

"When'd you get that?" I asked as I raised an eyebrow at my girlfriend.

I walked up to her and pushed my jacket off of her shoulders, letting it fall to the ground.

"I feel like that's the wrong question to be asking" she said as she picked up my hand and rested it on her cheek.

"What should I be asking?" I asked her, completely enticed by all that she is.

"Can I touch you? Am I allowed to take all this useless shit off?" She started but I interrupted her.

"Can I do all of the above?" I asked her.

"As long as you remember who's in control" she said as she stood on her toes and began kissing along my neck.

"You, always you" I groaned out as she pushed my head back and kissed along my Adam's apple.

"Such a good boy, aren't you?" She hummed out as she kissed along the right side of my neck, sucking on my skin.

As she worked my neck, her hand traveled down my clothed chest and she rested her hand over my boner.

"You're pathetic Sweet Pea. I kiss your neck a little and wear lingerie and you've got a boner. Imagine when you actually see me naked" she laughed at me.

"You're dancing around a fucking pole with basically nothing on. What do you expect?" I said as she moved her head from my neck and worked on taking off my shirt.

"Very nice discussion but I didn't really ask you to speak" she said and I nodded my head. She chuckled as she threw my shirt onto the floor.

"Imagine if all the Serpents saw you, their fearless leader being controlled by his toy North Sider" she laughed as she began unbuckling my belt.

She let it drop to the floor as she then worked on removing the rest of my clothes.

"Are you going to sit or do I have to tell you how to do everything?" She asked as she raised an eyebrow.

I did as she said and took a seat on the leather chair. She smiled as she tied up her hair into a messy ponytail, but ironically, somehow she looked her most beautiful.

"Stop looking at me like I'm the Queen, Jesus, I'm just giving you head" she said as she rolled her eyes.

She spat into her hand and wrapped it around my dick, stroking me up and down.

"Fuck" I groaned out and she stopped.

"Do you want us to get caught? You couldn't be any louder if you tried" she said with annoyance.

She stroked my cock a few more time before she leaned down. She kissed the tip of my cock and then licked from the tip to the base. I closed my eyes and rested my head on the back of the chair.

"I'm looking the most stunning I've ever looked in my entire life and you have your eyes closed? Why the fuck do I do what I do for you?" She said so I opened my eyes, looking down at her.

"Not that you even deserve it" she said as she took off her bra and threw it to the pile of other clothes on our floor.

"You can look but not touch" she smirked.

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