Betty x Sweet Pea

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Hey guys, just a heads up. I don't really do requests. Requests limit me and I know I won't produce work that I like. You can always leave suggestions of ship/ ideas, but I most likely won't do them. I do try to explore ships, but obviously I am Swetty based, so most of the time it will be Swetty.

Betty POV:

I was sitting at my desk in my room as I tried to finish off some of my homework.

The whole time, Sweet Pea sat on my bed. He wouldn't stop talking and it was driving my head in.

Ever since Fangs had been kicked out of the Serpents, Sweet Pea hasn't been hanging out at the Wyrm.

He's mad that they treated Fangs like shit, I agree too.

The Serpents are supposed to be a family and look after each other. When Fangs needed money to pay for his mothers chemotherapy, they were no where to be found. But as soon as he found an unfortunate illegal way to sort out his problems, Jughead kicked him out.

As Sweet Pea's voice kept going and going, I let out a groan.

Sweet Pea: what's wrong babe? He asked worriedly as I turned to face him.

Fangs got kicked out about one month ago, so for a whole month, Sweet Pea has been attached to my hip.

I loved the extra attention but I feel like he's slightly smothering me now.

Betty: I mean this in the nicest possible way Sweet Pea, but can you please go hangout with Fangs or be anywhere but this house. I said. He instantly frowned. I sighed as I got up and walked over to my bed.

I sat in his lap and placed a soft kiss along his lips. I then rested my head on his shoulder.

Sweet Pea: I'm sorry. He said sadly.
Betty: no Pea, it's just I feel like you're smothering me a little. We've spent the whole month together. You should go out to the Wyrm or hang out with Fangs. I said softly.
Sweet Pea: I'm never going back to the Wyrm, and Fangs is always busy looking after his mum. He said.
Betty: you can't just never go back to the Wyrm hun. I said.
Sweet Pea: as long as Jughead is king and destroying the Serpents, there's no way I'm stepping back into that bar. He said confidently. A smirk raised to my lips.
Sweet Pea: what? He asked confusedly.
Betty: take Jughead down. I said.
Sweet Pea: and how would I do that? He chuckled.
Betty: I don't know, isn't there some law you can use. I asked.
Sweet Pea: yeah, kinda. He said.
Betty: well, why don't you and Fangs go team up and save the Serpents. I said, he laughed at the way I phrased it.
Sweet Pea: sounds good but Fangs won't leave his mum alone. He said.
Betty: I'll be there. Now come on, no excuses. I said.

I stood up and than pulled him along with me.

He put on his Serpents jacket which I haven't seen him in for a month, and I put on my coat.

We got into my car and we drove done to Fangs house.

I do feel for Fangs. I know he's always really stressed. He needs to look after his mother, as well as make sure he has enough money to pay for everything.

We arrived at Fangs' house and he answered the door, a confused look on his face.

Fangs: what are you guys doing here? He asked confusedly but with a smile.
Sweet Pea: my girlfriend hates spending time with me so sent me over here, basically to get rid of me. He said. I smirked.
Sam: please, get rid of Fangs for me darling. I heard Fangs' mum say as she walked to the door.

Sam is an amazing mum. She has looked after Sweet Pea since he was ten, and ever since I met her, she's been looking after me too.

Sam: he won't leave me alone. She sighed out.
Betty: you two guys, Wyrm now. I said sternly.
Fangs: I've been kicked out, remember? He said as he rolled his eyes.
Betty: Sweet Pea will explain the plan later, now leave me and Sam alone. I said as I walked into the house and pushed Fangs out.

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