Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

"See you in a hour" Fangs started as he walked off with Kevin.

"Or two" he winked with a smirk.

"Disgusting Fangs" I said as I shook my head.

Whilst Fangs left to go have sex, I rested by the pool in a sun chair. I pulled out my phone and decided to text my other best friend, Sweet Pea.

"You busy being a nerd?" I messaged him.

He's in his first year of college, studying to become a doctor. He's been glued to his desk for the past week, studying nonstop. I barely see him anymore.

"You mean studying? Yes" he messaged me back.

"May you please take a break to hang out with me? You get to see me in a bikini" I smirked as I typed out my messaged.

About three years ago I began sneaking out and going to the South Side, more specifically the Wyrm.

My parents always told me how dangerous the South Side is. How everyone on that side of town are trash, sluts and are going to end up with no one and have nothing. Yet here I am. I've lived on the South Side for the past two and half years and my life has never been better.

Fp, the guy I see as my dad was one of the first Serpents I met. We started off with him thinking I was some little North Sider who wouldn't last a week and now, he sees me as his daughter and even has a room for me at his house. And he also gave me the role of Serpent Queen once he retired.

I met my two best friends here as well. Fangs, my age, the most amazing guy you'll ever meet. He is so selfless and kind. He always looks after me and is someone you know who will always have your best interests at heart. Then there's my sweetheart Sweet Pea who's a year old than me. He is Fp's kid so obviously he's perfect. When I first met Sweet Pea he was a little shy, as was I, but after Fp pushed us to become a little closer, our friendship grew easily. Sweet Pea always does anything he can to make me happy and he always looks out for me.

Sweet Pea and I playfully flirt all the time. We love to annoy each other like that. Fp still isn't convinced that we're just friends though.

"Should have started off with bikini sweetheart" he said making me chuckle.

I texted him the address and he texted that he would be here soon.

Whilst I waited, I closed my eyes and decided to try and tan a little bit.

Soon enough, I felt someone press their index finger to my chin and tilt it up. I opened my eyes and saw Sweet Pea hovering over me with a smirk.

"Hey handsome" I smirked as he took a seat on the chair beside me.

He was only in a pair of swimming shorts, revealing his very defined abs. Jesus, this man is hot. His shorts were also hanging slightly low, meaning I could see his v line.

"Betts, if you wanted to see my abs you didn't need to drag me to some party" he smirked proudly. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm just trying to figure out how you have abs when all you do is study" I chuckled.

"Last few months I've been going to the gym at three, staying for an hour and then home to sleep" he said and I looked to him in slight shock.

"Jeez Pea, that's probably extremely unhealthy and how have I never noticed?" I said. He smiled as he stood up and took my hand.

"You're sleeping, looking like an angel" he said as we walked to the pool.

"You watch me while I sleep?" I asked as I raised an eyebrow.

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