Betty x Sweet Pea

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There has literally been zero variety of couples in this book 💀 like with my last one it was mainly Swetty but still, there were loads of different couples. But this one, barely anything.

Betty POV:

I watched as Toni walked into class and didn't even bother looking in my direction as she and her girlfriend took a seat next to each other at the front.

It's interesting to me how much two months can change things. South Side High was closed down due to an underground drug lab that both teachers and students were involved in. Well, that and so many other more reasons. Now here we are, at Riverdale High.

About a month and a half ago Toni, my best friend, began dating Cheryl Blossom. I didn't know anyone under the age of forty still had the name Cheryl. Anyway, she's the schools bitch and hates every other Serpent but Toni. Cheryl sees us as poor criminals who are going to ruin the schools reputation. You would think Toni, someone who knows and understands the struggles of what some Serpents go through that she would never go out with someone as horrible and as toxic as Cheryl.

But Toni is doing the complete opposite. She's ignoring all of her Serpent past and becoming the bitch her and I would despise.

I have no respect for her whatsoever. She lets Cheryl talk shit about the Serpents when she would have beat up anyone who even said the word Serpent in a negative tone. Now she agrees with Cheryl and talks shit about Sweet Pea and I.

What really took the cake was when I looked to her wrist, where she had her Serpent tattoo done. It was gone, meaning she was using makeup to cover it. That confirmed to me that she was really trying to forget who she is.

As I watched Toni interact with her girlfriend, I also saw Ethel walk into the class. She seems really sweet and she was nice to Sweet Pea and I when she was giving us a tour around the school. Of course while we were on that tour, Cheryl and her self described minions found a way to degrade her. So I've decide I'm making Ethel my new best friend. I'm not going to be one of those people who only have their boyfriend as their best friend. That's a little sad. Fangs is one of my best friends too, but I need a girl.

"Ethel, sit with me" I smiled. She gave me a slightly confused look but took a seat next to me.

"I'm now nominating you as my best friend, warning, you will have to deal with Fangs and Sweet Pea who are dumbasses" I said and she chuckled at me.

"Really?" She asked with a confused smile.

"Oh yeah, total dumbasses" I said.

"No, the friends part" she asked.

I know she's a nice person, but she's at this school so she doesn't fit in. The rest of the school is filled with rude bitches, well not anymore, us South Siders will put them in their place.

"Of course" I smiled.

"I would really like that" she smiled which made me smile.

"Then it's official, we're best friends" I said, both of us smiling as the teacher walked into class.

We got through the lesson as Cheryl acted like none of the rules applied to her. She left the room whenever she wanted, was on her phone the whole time and spoke so loudly whilst the teacher was.

Class was finally over and the two of us walked out to our lunch table. Fangs and Sweet Pea were already there, giving me a slight confused look as to why I had her with me.

"My new found friend" I smiled as I sat next to Sweet Pea and she sat besides Fangs.

"Okay I really need to ask you a question" Fangs started and I gave him a stern look, not to say anything stupid. Ethel nodded her head, oblivious to my look.

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