Betty x Hiram

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Info ig? Veronica and Hiram aren't related. And guys, I am so sorry for this. Please forgive me 🙃 wait no, I will not apologise. This is the absolute HOTTEST. Ps. Betty is 18 because consent is sexy.

Betty POV:

"And what gives me the pleasure of seeing you again, darling" He spoke with that usual sternness in his voice.

He stood behind me at the moment as he poured himself a glass of rum. He swirled the rich brown colour around in his glass as he walked past me, walking back to his desk and taking a seat in his chair.

"I need you to get me into Stonewall Prep" I told him directly. I came here with the objective of getting his recommendation for the college and I am going to get it before I leave.

"Why would you want to go there? That's two hours ago from your boyfriend" he questioned me as he took a sip of his rum.

"Since when did you care what reasons I have?" I asked as I crossed my right leg over my left, sitting up with my back completely straight.

"Since when have I not cared?" He smirked. I restrained myself from rolling my eyes.

"Sweet Pea and I broke up and I would rather die than live any longer with my parents than I have too" I told him. He chuckled at me.

"I knew you two would break up" he commented as he placed his glass onto his desk.

"And how did you know that?" I asked as I raised an eyebrow at him.

"An A+ student, a person who has passion and drive, dating him. A high school drop out and leader of a gang. And you're asking me how I knew?" He chuckled out, a small smile forming on my lips.

Well when he puts it like that, it shows how stupid of an idea it was for Sweet Pea and I to ever start a relationship together. We're way too different.

"As you know Betty, nothing comes for free" he told me, a softness in his voice.

"What do you want Hiram?" I asked him as I raised an eyebrow.

"Something very simple, just a simple name. Who is my wife sleeping with?" He asked me.

"You finally figured out she's cheating?" I asked him with a cocky smirk.

Hiram and I have teamed up in the past on a couple of occasions. We help each other out and we both benefit from it. He's an extremely dangerous man, but as long as you don't fuck him over, he'll always do as you need. Most of the people in this town don't trust him, but I do. He's never failed me.

On one of our, tasks, you could say. I found out his wife was cheating on him with the local Sheriff in which she had hired. I tried telling Hiram but he brushed me off, threatened me too.

"Indeed" he said, his jaw slightly clenching as he spoke.

"Say you're sorry for doubting me and you'll get the name" I smirked.

I like to be in control and just because I'm talking to someone dangerous, doesn't mean I'm going to submit to him.

"Saying sorry is a sign of weekness I care not to show" he hummed out as he opened up his draw.

"Close your eyes" he told me. I blindly followed, closing my eyes as I heard him close his draw.

"Don't bother shooting me" I said out contently.

"Who would look for you?" He chuckled out as I heard his foot steps start approaching me.

He honestly had a pretty fair point. My parents would probably be glad to see that I'm gone. Sweet Pea broke up with me so he has no reason to care about my whereabouts or well-being. I have friends, sure, but they would never think to look here, apart from Veronica. I tell her everything.

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