Betty x Sweet Pea Part 2

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NOT EVERYONE GUESSING WHO THE BROTHER IS WRONG! 💀💀 although I will say, Fangs was a good guess. this part is longer than the first, but enjoy x

Betty POV:

(on the phone)

Malachai: hey, what's up? He asked with some concern.
Betty: stupid boyfriend and his sister. I told him.
Malachai: should I pretend to be nice or should I give you my honest opinion? He said making me chuckle.
Betty: fake being nice. I said.
Malachai: fine, what's happened? He asked.
Betty: his sister is in town for the week and she's just been such a bitch. She even said that by the end of the week, Sweet Pea and I would be over. I told him.
Malachai: have you talked to Sweet Pea about this? He asked me.
Betty: yep. The conversation ended with him defending his sister and accusing me of being a liar and jealous. Then to top it all off, he said that she was right, that we would break up within the week. I told him.
Malachai: what a dick. He said.
Betty: that's what I'm saying. He's acting like a complete dick towards me for no reason. I was honest with him on how I was feeling towards his sister and he somehow made me out to be the bad guy when she's the problem. I told him.
Malachai: it sounds like he's extremely oblivious to what's going on behind his back. He told me.
Betty: see, this is why I like you. You're on my side. I said making him chuckle.
Malachai: I would appreciate if you liked me because we are siblings, twins. He said. I chuckled.
Betty: well of course I like you for that too. I said.
Malachai: I'm glad we found out we were related. He said making me smile.
Betty: I'm glad too Kai.
Malachai: but you should totally break up with him. He told me.
Betty: I hate the way he treated me but Kai, I still love him. I sighed into the phone.
Malachai: it's a shame I got all the brains. He said making me chuckle.
Malachai: but seriously Betty, look after yourself. Don't excuse his behaviour just because you... love. Nope. I'm not finishing that sentence. He said with disgust. I laughed.
Betty: I know you're right Kai. I said.
Malachai: good. He said.

He sounded concerned towards my next move, not rude or sarcastic.

We talked a little more about the topic when I heard the sound of Fp's bike.

Betty: hey, I have to go. Talk tomorrow? I asked.
Malachai: yeah of course, stay safe Betty. Good night. He told me softly.
Betty: good night Malachai. I said as I hung up.

(End of call)

I honestly wish we could have talked longer, but then I'd probably have to explain why the hell I was talking to Malachai, king of the Ghoulies.

I turned my phone off as Fp walked up the staircase.

Fp: what are you doing out here so late? He asked me.
Betty: why are you coming home at nearly three in the morning? I asked him.
Fp: hey, I'm the adult here. I ask the questions. He smirked as he took a seat by my side.
Betty: I was just talking to Veronica. I told him.

I will tell him that Malachai and I are related, just not now.

Fp: couldn't do that inside? He asked.
Betty: wouldn't want to wake up your precious son and daughter. I said sarcastically.
Fp: you and Sweet Pea okay? He asked me as he furrowed his eyebrows.
Betty: not really. I said. He gave me a sympathetic look but knew not to ask anymore questions.

He doesn't want to get too involved with Sweet Pea and I's relationship and in return, we don't want him knowing everything.

Fp: come on, it's late and freezing out here. He said as he stood up.

I got up and walked inside. He followed in behind me and locked everything up.

Fp: good night darling. He said. I gave him a small smile.
Betty: night Fp. I said.

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