Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

Sweet Pea and I had gotten into a fight earlier in the week.

It was something stupid but we decided that it would be best if we took a week break from each other.

The Serpents have been stressing us both out and we've started to turn against one another.

It's only been three days since we took the break but it's been impossible not to go to his house and throw myself into his arms.

I do truly love him.

As I was sitting in my room, watching TikTok, I heard the doorbell ring.

I let out a groan as I got up and walked downstairs. If this isn't Sweet Pea, I'm going to be very, very unimpressed.

I opened the door, revealing the complete opposite of Sweet Pea.

Malachai, king of the Ghoulies.

Sweet Pea is the king of the Serpents and I'm the queen. Sweet Pea gave me the role a year into our relationship.

Betty: what do you want? I asked as I crossed my arms.

I have no idea how he figured out where I live. That's really not good.

Malachai: heard you and that sorry excuse of a king broke up. He smirked.
Betty: we did. I said.

He doesn't need to know that we're just on a break.

Malachai: I want to offer you Ghoulies queen. He said.

This is all going to play into my hand.

Betty: without even offering me a date? Where are your manners? I smirked.

Sweet Pea and I have been needing to get Malachai's attention for a few months now.

We need to get him to agree to our terms, so that we run the South Side.

Over the past months, we've captured a large amount of his Ghoulies yet he hasn't fought to get them back.

Once we have him, we can get our way.

Malachai: well I can't say no to the pretty lady. He said.
Betty: no one ever can. I smirked.
Betty: meet at Sweet Water River. 6 pm, dress nice. I said as I closed the door and ran up to my room.

I picked up my phone and called Sweet Pea.

He instantly answered 'hey baby, what's up?' He asked. It's easy to say that neither of us really wanted this break, but we needed it.

'You can't call me baby if we're on a break bub. Damn it'. It's a force of habit.

He's my cute little bub who deserves all the kisses and cuddles in the world, from me. Not some other bitch.

'You love me. Anyway, what's up? Thought we're supposed to keep some distance from each other, including no calls' he chuckled. 'I have a date tonight, guess who with?' I said excitedly into the phone.

'Oh, uh, woah. I? I thought we were just on a break' he said so sadly into the phone. 'Aw bubba, I meant Malachai' I said. 'So you hate me? What the fuck Betty? I thought we-' he started but I needed to cut him off. 'Bubba, I meant that I have a date so we can set him up' I said and I could hear him whisper 'yes' into the phone. I chuckled.

'Where and what time Princess?' He asked.

I think it's practically impossible for us to be just friends. We couldn't go a day without calling each other a nickname.

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