Betty x Sweet Pea

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Will I stick to writing in this proper format? I mean, mostly likely no, but enjoy it for however short it lasts.
tw: mentions of sexual assault/harassment

Betty POV:

Sweet Pea sat up in the student lounge with myself in his lap. He had his arms wrapped around my waist, keeping me close to his muscular chest. Besides us was Fangs and Toni while Veronica, Archie and Joaquin sat opposite us.

We were all talking in small little groups about numerous topics. I was talking to Fangs and Sweet Pea about our up coming class when Mr. Honey walked into the room, gaining all of our attention.

"There's going to be a new student starting today, well, he went here in your junior years" our principal started.

I looked to Veronica and Archie, seeing if they could think of who it could be. Out of our friend group, we're the only three who have been at Riverdale High since our junior year.

"What's his name?" I asked with a confused expression. I mean sure we've had people leave the school, but it's usually because they move towns or something similar to that. Riverdale High is the only high school in our town. And if someone new or old were to come to town, everyone would know.

Mr. Honey was about to speak up when Ethel rushed into the room, a worried, concerned and upset look on her face.

"He's back" was what she immediately rushed out. Fuck, I thought to myself as I rested my head on Sweet Pea's shoulder.

"He's not welcome here. He has to leave" I said sternly to Mr. Honey.

Chuck Clayton. Former student here, a great footballer, an even worse person. He was the ring leader behind a group of guys who never understood what the word no meant and never learnt how to treat women right.

Him and his group of three friends tried to sleep with as many girls as they possibly could. It was a little game to them. They told as many girls as they could, that they wanted to start a relationship with them, take them out on dates and promise them a whole bunch of things that they never intended on doing. They prayed on girls who had just gotten out of relationships or girls who were vulnerable. They'd take them on dates and try to force themselves on them. They've done it to countless of my friends and I'm not going to stand back. I didn't last time and I'm not now.

Everything that the boys did, they wrote it done in some book. They'd have the name of the girl, some dehumanizing attributes about her and a score out of ten. When Veronica told me what had happened to her, how Chuck treated her, I knew I was going to find this book. I had heard about the book before hand, but only in passing. I honestly didn't know if something so disgusting could be real.

I had heard to much at that point, so I got a group of my girls, plus the school bitch Cheryl. We broke into school one night and went through the entire place. I was going to find that book by the time we left.

We had been in the school for two hours when I heard Ethel yell out my name. I quickly followed her voice into the boys locker room. And there she was, holding a thick book in her hands.

I rushed to her side as I looked at exactly what she was seeing. I felt my heart drop to the floor. There it was, a book full, and I mean full with names of girls. My eyes landed on Ethel's.

Ethel: big, round, average. Score? 4.5 -chuck

She dropped the book as she ran out of the room. I shut my eyes tight as I yelled out fuck. There was one of Cheryl's minions in the room with us so I asked her to go check up on Ethel, as well as find the rest.

I picked up the book from the ground and scanned my way down the page. I then landed on Veronica's name, I felt like I was going to throw up.

Veronica: skinny, hot, and a friend I'm totally going to fuck next, Cooper. Score? 9/10 -chuck

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