Betty x Sweet Pea

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This book is coming to an end in the next maybe week and a half 😳

Betty POV:

"Please can we go get ice-cream?" I asked my dad.

"No" he said.

"Please, I really want ice-cream" I said.

"It's nearly eleven, we're not going out to get ice-cream" he chuckled.

"Dad" I whined out.

"Just get me ice-cream" I groaned out.

"No, I'm not changing my mind" he said and I rolled my eyes.

"You don't love me" I said. He chuckled as he shook his head.

"You know what, I'll just get Sweet Pea to take me" I said.

"Why don't you just go by yourself instead of bothering him?" He said.

"Well a, why would I want to go by myself and b, he's my friend, he has to do whatever I want" I said.

"How he still puts up with you is beyond me" he said as I pulled out my phone.

"Because when you're as perfect as I am, everyone loves you" I smirked.

"Perfect" he said and then laughed.

"You're mean to me" I said.

I opened up my messages and found Sweet Pea's name. "Peaaaa, can we go and get ice-cream please?" I messaged him.

"You know I love you" he smiled.

"Not enough to get me ice-cream apparently" I said making him laugh again.

"Betts it's late, do you really need ice-cream?" Sweet Pea messaged me back.

"Are you fat shaming me?" I texted back. A little bit of harmless guilt tripping couldn't hurt.

"Fine guilt tripping asshole, let's go" Sweet Pea texted making me smirk.

"I'll see you later" I smirked at my dad.

"He's a pushover" my dad said as I stood up and took my blanket with me.

I grinned as I headed out of the house and walked next door to Sweet Pea's truck.

"Hi Pea" I smiled widely as I got into in his truck.

"Hi" he groaned which made me frown.

"Are you actually mad at me?" I asked, feeling guilty. I don't want to annoy him.

"No, of course not" he smiled, filling me with relief.

"When am I ever mad at you?" He chuckled as he reversed onto the street.

"Never but I don't want to annoy you" I said and he looked at me for a moment with a soft smile.

"Betts, you never annoy me. You know I love you" he chuckled. I smiled as I moved myself closer to him.

"I love you too" I smiled as I wrapped my arms around his right one and rested my head on his shoulder.

"So clingy Betts" he smiled as he focused on the road.

"Tell me you don't like it" I smirked as I looked up to him.

"What's better than your best friend being clingy and trusting you to be clingy with" he smirked.

We drove to the ice-cream place in comfortable silence as I turned up the heater all the way.

We soon arrived and walked into the ice-cream place, instantly being hit by the cold.

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