Betty x Sweet Pea

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Idk, just enjoy and don't take this too seriously or as self diagnose. You'll see what I mean as you read :) ALSO!!! 100k reads on this book. WOW

Betty POV:

"Betty, I can't do this anymore" he said frustratedly as he slammed his computer lid down.

"Bubs let's take a break and do this later" I said and he shook his head as he stood up.

"Nope, I'm done" he said as he walked out of the kitchen and into our bedroom.

I let out a sigh as I gently closed our stuff and than walked into our bedroom. He was laying on his side as he scrolled through his phone.

I walked up to him and gently took his phone from out of his hands. I placed it on his bed side table and then laid by his side. There was only a small amount of space so Sweet Pea slightly moved and wrapped his arm over my waist, holding me close to him.

"I'm sorry Betts, I just can't do it. I can't understand it" he told me and I nodded my head.

I've been with Sweet Pea for nearly two years now and over the past month or so, I've noticed he has signs or symptoms of ADD. There's small things such as the way he infatuates himself with things, and completely gives up on other things. I also notice the way that he really struggles with verbal instructions, he needs imagery to be able to understand. He's extremely impulsive, a great example of that was when he decided to trash Riverdale High and then the next hour he was doing exactly as he said, it also ties into his anger.

"Bubs can you give it one more shot, for me?" I asked and he gave me a hesitant look.

"Angel we've been trying for the past two hours. I'm done" he said. I gave him a soft smile as I caressed his cheek.

"Just one more shot hun, then if you want to stop for the night we'll do that and do whatever you want for the rest of the night. Is that okay?" I asked with a pout.

I watched as his face changed, one that indicated he was going to give into me.

"Fine Cuddlebug, but we're cuddling all night and we're watching tv and" he started but then stopped for a moment.

"I'll figure it out later" he said making me chuckle.

"As long as you actually give this a shot, I'm all yours Bub" I smiled as I kissed his lips.

"I figured out what I want, 1000 kisses" he said making me laugh.

"You're so cute" I said and he blushed but covered it as he groaned.

I got up and pulled him up too. He let out a groan as he slowly walked through the hallway and back into the kitchen.

We took a seat back in our chairs in the kitchen. He looked to me and I began trying to teach him our English homework in a different way then I had before.

Our homework was to write a comparative paragraph on the book we've read and the movie we've watched.

When I was explaining how to write the paragraph, I used all verbal communication with him, which clearly isn't what's going to help him. So, I decided to write and do as I say, showing him a structure, how to think and how to do it.

We spent about an hour and a half going through the work and him actually doing it himself.

"See Bubs, I'm so proud of you" I smiled as I held out my hand. He chuckled as he gave me a high five.

"Now can we go cuddle?" He asked and I gave him a small chuckle as I nodded my head.

"Lounge or room?" He asked as he stood up, holding out his hand for me to take.

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