Betty x Sweet Pea

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Lowkey inspired by swetty_riverdale310

Betty POV:

I was sitting on the couch at my house when I heard a knock on the door.

I turned off the tv before I got up and answered the door, revealing my boyfriend.

Sweet Pea: look, I know Christmas isn't for another week but I can't keep waiting to give you your present. He said as he walked inside.

He lead me to the couch and told me to sit.

Betty: always so impatient. I chuckled as I sat down.
Sweet Pea: here. He smiled.

He passed me a small jewellery bag. I pulled out a box and gently opened it up.

Inside was a gold necklace with a heart attached to it. I looked from the necklace up to Sweet Pea with an overjoyed pout.

Betty: Sweet Pea it's so pretty. I said.
Sweet Pea: look at the heart closely. He told me excitedly.

I gently took the necklace out of the box and rested the heart against my palm. Engraved were the words 'ily bubba' and right under that it had his initials, SP. I couldn't help but laugh.

Sweet Pea looked down to me with the most heart broken face. I instantly dropped my jaw.

Betty: oh my god baby, I don't mean it in the way you think. I quickly said.

He thought I was mocking his present.

Betty: wait here bubba. I said as I put the necklace down on the table and ran up to my room.

I pulled out the present that I had bought for Sweet Pea and then ran back downstairs.

Betty: open it! I smiled excitedly.

He gently took the box from my hand and opened up his present, pulling out a pocket knife.

Sweet Pea has a somewhat addiction to pocket knives so I knew this would be the perfect present for him.

I watched as he looked over the knife and then looked to me.

Sweet Pea: I love it. He said sadly.

That's one of Sweet Pea's weaknesses that I love. He can't lie to me. When he needs to lie for the Serpents or to a teacher as to why he didn't do his homework, he can do it with no problem. But with me, he just can't.

He told me that he feels way to guilty when he's done it to me. And the only lie he told me is that he was at Fangs' house when in reality he was setting up a picnic date for us.

He's such a good man to me.

Betty: open it. I smiled softly.

He looked back down to the knife and opened it. I watched as the blade swung up dangerously fast. I truly have no idea why he likes them so much. They're scary.

I watched as he noticed the engraving that read 'I love you bubba'.

He smiled as he closed the knife and placed it next to where I left my necklace.

He wrapped his arms around me and picked me up. I giggled as I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.

He layed us on the couch with me being on top of him.

Sweet Pea: I was so worried you didn't like the present. He said as he held me tight.
Betty: bubba. I had started, instantly causing a smile and blush to form on his face.
Betty: absolutely anything you give to me, I will always love. I said as I kissed his lips softly.
Sweet Pea: I don't want to disappoint you. He said.
Betty: you never have. I smiled as I rested my head on his chest.

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