Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

I walked into the Wyrm and saw my boyfriend and some of his friends sitting at a table.

As I walked towards them I saw Toni run up to me and embrace me in a hug.

I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight.

Toni: I've missed you so much angel. She said.
Betty: I've missed you too TT! I said into her shoulder.
Sweet Pea: could I get a hug? My boyfriend chuckled.
Toni: not yet. I haven't spent quality time with her in three months, you saw her last week. She said.

Sweet Pea rolled his eyes playfully as Toni and I hugged for a little longer.

We soon let go of each other and I wrapped my arms around my boyfriend.

Sweet Pea: I'm so glad you're here bub. He said as he held me as tight as he could.

Sweet Pea is one year older then me, as well as Toni, Joaquin and Fangs.

They finished high school last year and this is my last year.

I'm 18 and the rest are 19.

Today is the first day of my school holidays and I would be spending my next two weeks with Sweet Pea at his apartment.

He's the king of the Serpents.

Betty: I'm glad I'm here too. I said as leaned up and kissed his neck.
Sweet Pea: gosh I love you. He smiled as he kissed my head and looked at me with admiration.
Betty: I love you too. I smiled up at him.
Sweet Pea: can you stop being so fucking cute. He said making me giggle.
Toni: okay cuties, calm down. Anyway, we're going shopping. She said excitedly to me.
Sweet Pea: what? No. He said.
Sweet Pea: my girlfriend stays with me. He said.
Joaquin: while they argue, can we get a hug? He chuckled.

I walked over to Fangs and Joaquin, giving them both big hugs and catching up with them a little.

Toni: if you let her come with me I promise you'll get laid tonight. She said.
Betty: are you whoring me out? I asked her.
Toni: don't act like you two weren't going to have sex tonight, and every other day of the week. She said making me blush.
Sweet Pea: our sex life is none of your concern, but damn baby, we're going to have a good two weeks. He said making me blush even more.
Betty: stop talking, both of you. I groaned out, Joaquin and Fangs laughing at me.
Sweet Pea: so so adorable. He sung out. I stuck my finger up at him.
Joaquin: I think the big bad Serpents are rubbing off on her. He smirked.
Betty: I'm about to spend my holidays in New York. I said.

I kept teasing Sweet Pea, saying I was going to New York to spend it with my brother Jughead.

Sweet Pea: don't joke like that. He said. I giggled.

By the end of Sweet Pea and Toni's somewhat loud discussion, we decided that I would be going shopping with Toni.


We were at the shops and had just walked out of a clothing store. I had bought some cute clothes, and the most adorable dresses which I loved. I knew Sweet Pea would also like them too.

We were talking as we arrived at Victoria secret.

Toni: Cooper is going to get freaky. She smirked.
Betty: shut up. I blushed as we walked inside.
Toni: I honestly can't imagine you having sex. Like you're my sweet little North Sider, don't let the Serpents king defile you. She said making me laugh.

We looked around and I got a few things.

Maybe we would be having sex as often as Toni predicted, you never know. Plus, I want to look good for him.

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