Betty x Sweet Pea

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Your fav couple, back at it again.
*also, some of the information (eg. hair colour, eye colour) may be inaccurate because well, I truly don't care lol. Ignore it and just play along lol.

Betty POV:

My four year old son ran up to his grandma, trying to get her attention put she rolled her eyes at him and moved away.

"Black hair, brown eyes. Reminds me of a certain Serpent" Jughead's mother spoke.

Since the moment James was born, Gladys has been pointing accusations at me that I cheated on Jughead. Sweet Pea, the certain Serpent she's talking about, has been my best friend since we met in high school.

"The exact same eyes and hair as his father" I said annoyedly.

James ran up to me and jumped into my lap, giving me cuddles. I know he doesn't understand what's going on but he knows it's not a comfortable situation. He also knows that both his dad and grandma don't like him. Jughead and Gladys are sick human beings.

"They look nothing alike, I want a paternity test done" she said and I looked to her in shock.

"Honey, can you go get your shoes so I can help you put them on?" I smiled at James. He nodded his head and ran up to his room.

"You have no right to ask for a paternity test and to do it in front of my son? Ever say something like that again and you will never set foot in my house again" I told her sternly.

"You said your son, implying he has nothing to do with Jughead" she said and I shook my head in disbelief.

"Leave my house now" I told her angrily.

"This is our house Betty and you have no right to talk to my mother like that" Jughead said.

"This is my house, it has never and I mean never been yours" I told him sternly.

"I want a paternity test" he told me and I rolled my eyes.

"Fine, you can have one. But when we get the results back and you see that he's your son. You are going to sign divorce papers and you will be out by the end of the night" I threatened him.

"And when he's not his son like I've been saying all along?" She said and I let out a huff.

I'm so close to killing this old bitch. She's obsessed with her son and Jughead is oblivious.

"I won't kill you and feed you to the Ghoulies" I warned her. She looked to me in shock as Jughead gave me the angriest look.

"You better watch your fucking mouth Betty" he said as he stood up and walked over to me.

I stood up and looked up to him. I can't believe he's trying to intimidate me right now. I have a gun on my side that I am really not afraid to use.

"Momma" James said from the staircase. I smiled as I picked him up and brought him into the kitchen.

I placed him on a chair and he handed me his shoes.

"Honey, is it okay if I drop you off at Matt's and he take you to school?" I asked him.

Matt is our next door neighbour. He has a son the same age as James and they're best friends. Matt is also someone else I've been accused of sleeping with.

Over the past four years he's seen a slight glimpse of the way that I've been treated by both Jughead and Gladys.

"Okay, but you have to pick me up from school" he bargained with me. I smiled as I ruffled up his hair, causing him to giggle.

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