Betty x Sweet Pea

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I hope you're doing well <3

Sweet Pea POV:

I walked into my house after a horrible date with a girl I met off of one of those dating apps. She sounded great over text but the whole night, she spent it talking about herself. I was bored to death.

"How was your date grandpa?" My best friends daughter teased me.

"Stop coming in here and drinking my alcohol" I said as I took the glass of whiskey out of her hands.

"So bad, right?" She asked as she turned off the tv.

"Terrible" I chuckled. She grinned.

"My mum is available" she smiled and I chuckled as I shook my head.

"Actually honey, she's married" I said as I drank the rest of what was in her glass and got up to pour myself another.

"Signed the divorce papers today" she said and I shot around to face her.

"You're kidding me? Things were that bad?" I asked her. She nodded her head. I let out a sigh as I took a seat next to her.

"Are you okay?" I asked her and she shrugged her heads.

"I hate him. She has always been better than him. You know, I saw some girl ask if he has kids and he said no, then continued to ask her unmentionable things" she said and I gave her a frown as I wrapped my arms around her.

I know how horrible it is to grow up in a toxic home. I truly do feel for the kid. I also do truly feel bad for Betty. She's my childhood friend and the strongest woman I have ever had the privilege of knowing. I have no other words than to say that she's completely perfect.

Her and I dated for a few years in high school. She left Riverdale to study and maintaining a long distance relationship wasn't working for us. By that point she was already my Serpent Queen and as we both remained on good terms, I saw no reason to change anything.

"I'm really sorry Chloe" I sighed and she rested her head on my shoulder.

"Can you please look after my mum?" She whispered.

"She's going to be a tough one to crack" I chuckled softly.

Betty hasn't told me too much about how her and Jughead have been going. I think she's embarrassed. Her biggest down fall has always been her perfectionism.

"I don't think she's as tough as you'd expect her to be" she said and I frowned as I nodded my head.

"Will you and mum ever get back together?" She asked as I unwrapped my arms from around her.

"You know that if somehow her and I got back together, you're gonna have to call me dad. Do either of us really want that?" I asked making both of us chuckle.

"Come on, it's late, go to bed" I told her softly.

"Are you going to get mum to stay here?" She asked me. I nodded my head.

"Why am I taking orders from a seventeen year old?" I sighed making her laugh.

"Because you love me" she smiled as she headed off into the not so spare room.

Each time she comes over she brings more of her clothes. I've actually seen her try and bring some of Betty's clothes and hang them in my cupboard. I truly do love the kid, even if she's trying to move into my house without my approval.

I pulled out my phone as she left the room and opened my messages with Betty. " I've got your child" I chuckled as I sent it. "God Pea, I'm sorry. I'll come and get her now" she sent and I let out a sigh.

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