Betty x family

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Idk I thought this was a funny concept-ish 😂

Betty POV:

I was eating dinner with the rest of my boyfriends family as I suddenly started to feel unwell.

Fp: you okay darling? You haven't eaten much. He said.
Betty: I don't really feel well. I said as I rested my head on Sweet Pea's shoulder.
Fp: what type of unwell? He asked.
Betty: I don't know, I just feel bad. I said as Sweet Pea wrapped his arm around me.
Tom: we should probably take you to hospital. Sweet Pea's older brother mumbled.
Betty: it's not that bad. I said.
Sweet Pea: do you want to go lie down babe? He asked softly.
Tom: no, I really think she needs to go to hospital. He said.
Fp: I don't think she needs the hospital Tom. He said.
Tom: Betty, I have a question? He asked nervously.

I picked up my head from Sweet Pea's shoulder and raised an eyebrow.

Tom: remember that time you said you were allergic to avocados? You were joking right? He said.
Betty: of course not, have you not seen my epipen? I said with a chuckle.
Tom: oh, this is bad. He said.
Fp: what do you mean? He asked sternly to Tom.
Tom: she's experiencing an anaphylactic reaction. He said.
Sweet Pea: how? We don't have any avocados even in the house. He said.
Tom: I know, but. He said.
Fp: But what? He said.
Tom: I thought Betty was joking so when I was making dinner I put some in her food. I thought it would be a joke. I thought she just disliked it. He said.
Betty: you fucking idiot. I said.
Tom: Betty I am so sorry. He said desperately.
Fp: Tom what the hell? He said.
Sweet Pea: I'm going to fucking kill you. He said as he stood abruptly.
Fp: not now. He said as he stood up and got out my epipen.
Betty: you are not stabbing me. I said sternly to him.
Fp: you have no other choice darling. He said softly.
Betty: let me die. I said.
Sweet Pea: no. He said.
Betty: yes.
Sweet Pea: no.
Fp: Betty you're not going to die but you need this so that you don't start feeling worse. He said softly.
Betty: Fp you stab me and I will faint on the spot. I said.
Fp: no you won't. He said as he held the epipen in his hand.
Betty: yes I wi- He said and then I felt the needle pierce my skin.

Sweet Pea POV:

I watched as Betty's eyes rolled to the back of her head and her body went limp.

I held her body in my arms as I glared at my brother the entire time.

Tom: Sweet Pea I didn't mean this. He said desperately.

Betty and my brother are always messing around with each other, playing pranks on each other. Although they are usually harmless.

Sweet Pea: how could you be so stupid? I said.

He was about to start apologising again but Betty's eyes thankfully started to slowly open.

Sweet Pea: hey bubba. I said softly.

She turned her head and once it landed on Tom, she raised her middle finger at him. She then turned to my dad.

Betty: I hate you. She said. My dad gave her a sympathetic smile.
Fp: we need to take you to hospital. He said.

I helped Betty into the car and we sat in the back together. Unfortunately on the way there, she started to develop some hives along her neck.

We soon arrived at the hospital and they began doing god knows what to her. She had iv's attached to her as I focused on making sure that she was calm.

They had managed to stop her reaction and wanted to keep her over night for observation.

If she continues to stay in a stable condition, tomorrow morning she'll be able to go home.

Fp: are you comfortable? He asked Betty softly.
Betty: no. She groaned as she looked to the needle in her arm.
Sweet Pea: we'll be home soon. I said as I kissed her forehead.
Betty: if I don't die over night. She mumbled.
Sweet Pea: you're not going to die. I said.

Betty POV:

I woke up during the night to see Sweet Pea laid asleep next to me and Fp asleep in the chair to my left.

I turned to my right side and saw that Tom was awake, staring at the ground.

I know he kinda almost killed me, but I'm fine now and I don't want him to keep worrying over this.

Betty: Tom. I whispered, his head instantly shooting up.

His face was nervous as he kept his mouth closed.

Betty: I'm not mad at you, despite how stupid you are. I whispered to him.
Tom: I seriously never meant for this to happen. He said and I nodded my head.
Betty: I know, but these pranks on each other need to end.
Tom: deal! He said making me smile.
Tom: and again Betty, I am so sorry.
Betty: you have apologised enough Tom, but you did nearly kill me. So I deserve compensation. I said and he nodded his head.
Betty: tomorrow when we get home you're giving me a hug and you're being my personal assistant for the next two months. I said and he nodded his head.


It was the next morning and I was able to be discharged from hospital.

We were all absolutely exhausted from on and off sleeping all night. When we got home I let out a yawn as Sweet Pea wrapped his arms around me.

Betty: we're going to bed. I said and the rest nodded their heads, thinking the same thing.

Sweet Pea and I went back to our room and I practically just fell onto the bed.

Sweet Pea got in beside me and made sure to wrap me up in our blankets. He then cuddled me into his arms and kissed my head.

Sweet Pea: are you warm and comfortable? He mumbled.
Betty: yeah. I mumbled.


I woke up at 12:03 pm and saw that Sweet Pea was no longer in bed with me.

I managed to get out of bed, my eyes half closed.

I walked into the lounge and saw Tom, Fp and Sweet Pea all watching tv together. I walked over to Sweet Pea and sat in his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his lips.

Sweet Pea: afternoon Princess. He said as he kissed my neck.
Fp: do you want me to make you something to eat darling? You haven't ate for awhile. He said.
Betty: don't worry Fp, I'll have my assistant make it. I said with a smirk.
Sweet Pea: don't tell me you downgraded me from boyfriend to assistant. He said making me laugh.
Tom: I'm her assistant. He said.
Betty: for the next two months, he does as I say. Since you know, nearly killed me.

Fp looked between Tom and I as he let out a laugh.

Fp: you two are unbelievable. He chuckled.
Sweet Pea: that's honestly not enough, he put you in hospital. He said.
Betty: he still owes me a hug. I said.
Sweet Pea: you're too nice. He said as he shook his head.

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