Betty x Sweet Pea // (siblings)

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Betty POV:

I said good night to Sweet Pea my brother and his girlfriend Ann, about two hours ago.

I was still awake, thinking about how Sweet Pea and I weren't even on speaking terms at the moment.

We got into a fight the other night and it's been very tense and awkward between us ever since.

Our parents left us a few years ago, so ever since then it's just been him and I.

Sweet Pea: I seriously don't know what to do with Betty anymore. I heard him say from his room.
Ann: it's nothing Pea, all siblings fight. She said.
Sweet Pea: I can't look after her anymore, it's killing me. He said.

I felt as tears welled up in my eyes and rolled down my face.

I always said to him that I could look after myself, I never wanted to be a burden on him. So hearing him say that I'm basically trouble he never wanted, that really hurt.

Before long I was sobbing uncontrollably into my pillow. I didn't want him to hear me and I didn't want him knowing that I had heard what he said.

When I had calmed down, I picked up a jacket and my phone.

I didn't want to stay here tonight. I mean how could I even face him in the morning?

I jumped out my window and made the thirty minute walk to my girlfriends house.

I hugged my jacket close to my body as I let out a sigh.

I just want everyone around me to be happy.

Toni Topaz is my girlfriend, we've been dating for 7 months, although no one knows.

I'm in the closet. I haven't told anyone that I'm Bisexual yet.

It's not that I don't trust Sweet Pea, it's just, I'm not ready to tell people yet. But I know he would be supportive of me, but after tonight, who knows.

I arrived at my girlfriends house and knocked on her door.

It took her about a minute but she soon answered, a confused and worried look formed on her face when she saw me.

Toni: oh B, come inside. She said as she wrapped her arm over me and pulled me inside.
Toni: you staying here tonight? She asked as she sat me on the couch.
Betty: am I allowed to? I asked her.
Toni: Betty you never need to ask that, you're always welcome here. She said as she wrapped a blanket around me.

She sat next to me and wrapped herself around me, kissing my head.

Toni: what's happened B? She asked as she caressed my jaw.
Betty: Sweet Pea told Ann that I'm basically a burden and I'm killing him. I sniffled, feeling tears welling back up in my eyes.
Toni: I'm sure there's just a misunderstanding love. She said with a soft smile. I shook my head.
Betty: he hates me. I said as a tear rolled down my cheek.

She wiped it away and held my hands in her warm ones.

Toni: it's late and I think you need some rest so you can think clearly. We'll deal with this tomorrow okay? She said softly and I took a deep breath in as I nodded my head.
Toni: that's my Princess. She smiled.

She stood up and pulled me with her.

She led me to her bed and told me to lay down.

I went to my side of her bed and got under the covers. She got in too, coming right up next to me.

She wrapped her arms around me and held me close to her chest.

Toni: I love you and you will always have my support. She said softly.
Betty: thank you. I whispered as I closed my eyes.

I fell asleep inside of her warm and comforting arms.


I was woken up to someone wrapping me up in their arms tightly and speaking loudly.

I opened my eyes and saw my brother.

Sweet Pea: I'm so glad you're okay. He breathed out as he kissed my head.

I looked to Toni who was standing in the corner of the room.

Betty: I don't want you near me. I said as I moved myself away from him.
Sweet Pea: what? He asked.

His eyes followed my every move.

Betty: I'm killing you, aren't I?

The realisation hit him slowly, that these were his words.

Sweet Pea: Betty that isn't true. I didn't mean it. He said sorrily.
Betty: well I'm out of your life Sweet Pea. Go home, be happy, I'm no longer your problem. I said.
Sweet Pea: Betty you've never been a problem. I was stressed because we weren't talking, which is my fault. And it was killing me that I couldn't fix it immediately. I don't want to fail you the way our parents did Betty. He said with the most hurt voice.
Toni: Betty, I'll make you breakfast. She said softly, giving me a soft smile.

She walked out of the room and I looked Sweet Pea in the eyes.

Betty: you haven't failed me Pea. You're so much better to me than mum and dad ever were. I told him softly.
Betty: tell me now Pea, if I'm a burden on you. I'll leave and you won't need to look after me anymore. I told him seriously.
Sweet Pea: Betty you never have been and never will be a burden on me. I don't care if I'm looking after you until I'm on my death bed. He said making me giggle.
Sweet Pea: can you come home now? He asked.

I decided this is when I wanted to tel him that I'm Bisexual and that I'm dating Toni.

Betty: I'll come home later tonight, but there's something I want to tell you first. I said and he nodded his head.
Betty: I'm Bisexual. I told him.
Sweet Pea: oh woah B. He said, slightly shocked.
Betty: and I'm dating Toni, that's why I came here. I said.
Sweet Pea: you have a girlfriend? He asked and I nodded my head.

He leaned in and embraced me in a tight hug.

Sweet Pea: stop growing up so fast and be my baby sister. He whispered into my head. I smiled as I held him tighter.

I have my brother back and the best part is, he knows all my secrets now.

I hope you enjoyed x

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