Meeting Seth Clearwaters

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Sarah, Kim and I all walked on the beach. The sun was out but the sky was filled with clouds so nobody was here. Which was just the way we liked it! The beach was so peaceful like this and we loved coming here when everyone else wasn't.

"Hey did you bring your swim suits?" Asked Sarah. Kim nodded but I shook my head. "Oh well I guess we can go swimming another day." She said sulking a little. "We could go swimming now." I said smiling. "What?" Asked skim a little confused. "Well it's just us three so I'll just go in my underwear!" I said smiling. They laughed and quickly stripped off. "Cliff diving?" I said and they shook they're heads. "We're not part of those Uley guys!" Said Kim joking around. "We're not doing it!" She said and we all chuckled.

We sprinted into the ice cold water and swam out a little, our feet could still touch the ground of course. Kim and I both looked at each other and back at Sarah before teaming up and splashing her. She screamed and laughed before retaliating.

"Hey!" Shouted someone on the beach. When we all looked back we saw a group of guys staring at us and we were confused as to why. "You guys shouldn't be out here!" Another shouted and we were torn between swimming back to the beach or swimming further out away from them.

"Hey isn't that Jared?" Said Rachel nudging Kim. She started blushing and we laughed. "Let's go back." She said swimming in but I just stayed in the water. "Hey!" The girls shouted when they were almost at the beach. "C'mon the currents to strong!" Shouted one of the boys. I just stayed there. I was in my under wear for Christ sake! I wasn't going to swim back to a group of guys and reveal my underwear!

Before I knew it I was being swept out. "Hey!" Shouted Rachel. "Stop playing and come back!" Said Kim. They were both still sat in the water but not as far out as I was. Suddenly all three of us were being dragged further and further out. "Kim?" Shouted Jared starting to worry about her. Rachel and I didn't know why but those two were like crazy for each other since a couple of weeks ago.

Jared instantly jumped into the water and started swimming to Kim. His eyes were completely set on her and once he reaches her he didn't let her go. Embry had jumped in with Jared and grabbed hold of Rachel who was completely freaking out now. I hadn't realised how far out I was since I was staring at Jared and Kim.

The waves started getting more violent and they smashed against my small figure, pulling me out even further. I could hear my friends screaming in the distance but I couldn't see them because I was being pulled under the waves. No longer could I take in the oxygen or see the clouded sky. I was slowly losing breath and getting closer to death.

Before I knew it a pair of hands quickly grabbed hold of my wrist and snapped me up and that's all I remembered as I lost consciousness.

"I-is she breathing?" I heard Rachel say with a shaky voice. "Oh god!" Said a deep voice. I felt something pounding on my chest and suddenly the water lodged in my lungs was freed and I opened my eyes. "She's okay!" Someone shouted. "Wh-what?" I said confused. As I looked up I saw an- angel? Was I dead?

"You idiot!" Said Rachel shaking me. "You almost died!" She pulled me into her arms and I just stared at the guy in front of me. "Yeah it's thanks to Seth that you didn't die!" Said Kim finally leaving Jared's arms to come to me. I looked back at the boy who was now blushing a little. "Hi." He said. "H-hi." I said.

For some unknown reason he stared at me as if I was the only person on the beach but I didn't mind, in fact my heart pounded every time I saw him stare.

I hope you guys enjoyed it! So if you liked it then just comment saying if you'd like me to go into more detail with this particular story! If you do comment telling me that you want me to make this a short book story thingy then I'll put it up soon!

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